Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tuesday August 8, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

On this date in 1941 a memorable event occurred, Mary Helen Scott my sister, was born. Happy birthday Helen. She has been a great sister.

We are up at 0630, Nancy swims today and I am going on a long bike ride. Looked out the living room slider this morning and saw two deer feeding.

No Y today. I did exercises at home.

Today is wild animal day. In addition to the deer in the back yard I saw a coyote on my morning ride. First time I have seen one in our neighborhood. No matter how old I am I never tire of seeing wild critters.

It was reported this morning that a new climate change report is about to be released by the Feds. It confirms previous reports that climate change is real.

The London papers are still on summer holiday because I found no substantial news story.

Sign of the times. An elderly couple sat down across from me. They both pulled out their laptops and did their thing. No words were exchanged. Is conversation dead?

This and that;
I hope the USA adopts the metric system in my lifetime.
I want a car that can parallel park without driver assistance.
I would like to own a self driving car and take it on a trip across the USA.
Google fires an engineer for expressing an opinion. What happened to free speech?

At home Nancy and I took Ms P on her nature walk.

I had a quick lunch and then ran some errands. Back at home I prepared a spread sheet for our financial advisor. We are meeting next week.

Paid some bills and walked to post box to mail.

Nancy fixed me a Trader Joe's Shepard Pie for dinner. Very tasty.

After dinner took a short walk. Read the GRP and then watched Pie In Sky on Acorn. Last episode. We both like this show.

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