Friday, June 30, 2017

Thursday June 29, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

It rained most of the night but had stopped by the time we got up at 0630. Swim day for Nancy so she left early.

Some exercises, breakfast and then I headed out at 0800. Still riding my single speed. I like the simplicity.

Have folks left for a long Fourth of July Weekend because traffic was light and the Y was empty.

Some observations and opinions: new tattoos on seniors are not attractive; I like short hair on mature women; sprinklers should not be allowed after 0800, I hate getting wet. Cargo shorts on men are not that bad. I recommend the 12” iPad Pro, it is a great machine.

From the I can’t believe it category: the uptight British men are up in arms because ties are no longer required in Parliament.

From the You are out of line Mr President category: the President made personal attacks on Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe. Not good manners or good business. Observe the grade school rhyme Mr President “sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me”

Spent most of the afternoon in our garage. First project was to replace the light in our garage door control unit. The light goes on every time we open the door. Without the light the garage is dark. I ended up going to ACE to get the proper bulbs.

Next project was to get all my bike gear straightened out. Spent several hours sorting through all the places I had stored bike gear. I now have everything in one place. Also put a kick stand on the single speed and oiled its chain. I now have a kit on each bike so that I can replace a tire if the need arises.

For dinner Nancy and I walked to Shepard’s Grill. It is about 0.5 miles from the condo. We both had their navy bean soup.

At home we took Ms P on her walk. We read the GRP and watched an episode of Midsomer Murders on Netflix. We just had a shower pass by. It was short lived but very intense.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Wednesday June 28, 2017

Blog time 0950 at Panera

Another nice sunny June day. This is also my easy Wednesday.

Later today I am taking the single speed and biking on the White Pine Trail. I want to go from Riverside Park in GR to Rockford. Stay tuned.

Biked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. Panera has a good early morning crowd.

The massive cyber attack in Europe especially Ukraine worried NATO enough that they will provide financial support to Ukraine. The cyber attach was heaviest in the Ukraine but impacted most of Europe. I don’t know how Governments can stop these attacks? Probably first they must find out what organization is responsible.

The Washington Post recently reported that the Obama administration knew of Russia’s attempted hacking probes into our recent Presidential election. They did nothing presumably because they assumed that Clinton would win. According to reports the USA had the capability to attack the Russian power grid.

I always thought that Gypsies were something out of the early 20th Century. Recently a large group of Gypsies have entered the U.K from France. They are pulling trailers with their luxury cars. The Gypsies spent the night in any open space. The residents panic when they see these large group of folks with less than satisfactory reputations. Problems ensue.

Scanned the papers and then headed home. Loaded up the single speed and headed to Riverside Park. Pedaled to Rockford. It has been several years since I did this ride. I had forgotten what a pleasant ride it was. Today was my longest bike ride of the years, 25 miles. Of course the ride is flat which makes it easy.

Stopped at Meijer’s and bought some Schuler’s soft cheese. I really like this cheese.

At home collected the recyclables, did a load of laundry all before a taking a nap.

Nancy worked at Meijer's Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy.

It was raining when Nancy got home so we postponed our walk with Ms P.

Light dinner and then I walked to the mailbox. We watched an episode of Hamlisch MacBeth on Acorn. I liked it but Nancy said the jury is still out. We also watched a Dr Blake Mysteries episode. Rain tonight but warmer tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Tuesday June 27, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Swim day for Nancy so we got up early. After her swim Nancy is meeting Kathi Kothe for breakfast at Anna’s

It was sunny but cool today. Temperature was 49 when I left home. Halfway to the Y my cell goes off. It was my Dermatologist’s office saying that my Thursday appointment had to be rescheduled. I am going in today at 1300.

The Doctor’s appointment made me adjust my workout and reading schedule.

The strawberries in Alpena are ripe. Alpena is a big strawberry growing area. My Dad always said Alpena berries were the best because the cold nights bring out the sugars.

In my youth I had several friends who made good money picking straw berries. In fact the growers would rent school buses and pick up young pickers at their grade school. This, of course, was before strict enforcement of child labor laws.

Another over reach by the Health bureaucrats was the strict sanitation requirements for butter and egg farmers. We had our eggs and butter delivered by a small area farmer whose last name was Bartz. My mother would like the fresh eggs and butter. Most of the farmer’s were from Wolf Creek, a German Lutheran community near Alpena. We never had a problem. The imposition of the overly strict health requirements put these industrious farmers out of business.

Recent polls in Europe show that our President is not very popular. In fact the USA is losing its popularity. Memories in Europe are short. Don’t they remember the thousands of US Military buried in their countries. We saved their asses, twice.

Big Brother is happening now in China. Facial recognition cameras are everywhere. The Government is tracking you everywhere. It is especially disheartening when cameras are used in churches. The anti-church commies are worried about the increased popularity of Christian churches. Crosses have been removed and members of the party dare not show their face in church. I can’t help but feel that the commies efforts to control folks will soon create a backlash. Maybe even in my lifetime.

What about the proposed health care plan? If you listen to the news media the GOP is throwing out most old folks into street. The cost of health care is staggering. Something must be done. I hope cooler heads can reach an equitable solution.

Left Panera at 1145 and hurried home. Quick lunch and then drove to the Dermatologist’s office. The Dermatologist found two spots on my right arm that looked suspicious. She cut out these areas and sent to lab.

On way home stopped at bank to make a deposit. We have big bills coming due for our hotels in Gaylord and LA. Also airline tickets and rental cars. I am just glad that Nancy and I can travel.

Later in the afternoon we took Ms P on her walk. At 1800 we headed to Noto’s for the monthly get together of neighbors living in the three condo associations that make up Centennial Park. Good turn out and we had some interesting table companions. Noto’s has a new master chef and it tells, the food was great.

Quick read of the GRP and some TV before turning in. Another great June day.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Monday June 26, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was partly cloudy and cool, 56, this morning. Nancy headed out early to attend an Estate Sale that had some Hummel Figurines on sale. No MVP for her today.

I had quick breakfast and then got on the single speed and pedaled to the Y. I did encounter a few sprinkles on the ride. The Y was loaded with kids attending summer camp but few adults.

In the London papers it was reported that Stalin was voted Most Outstanding in a current Russian poll. Russians must have short memories.

Short memories and surviving a sex scandal. The recent Italian election showed a resurgence of the right wing party of Silvio Barlusconi.

Boris Becker the great German tennis star has declared bankruptcy. The poor guy had his Porsche and Maserati impounded by the Brits for parking violations.

Snippets from the WSJ:

The upside to the shale revolution is increases in US plastic production. Natural gas is used to produce plastics. Dow Chemical and others are investing billions in new plants creating jobs and helping our trade balance.

Good news several states are repealing cities ban on plastic shopping bags. I like plastic bags.

Elon Musk’s Space X program launched two rockets this weekend, one on each coast. The rockets launched satellites. Private enterprise at its best.

At home I took a short walk had lunch and then Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Hobby Lobby. Love this store, we bought several small items.

Short nap and then started our walk with Ms P. She balked. So we scrubbed the walk.

I checked my credit card activity and cleaned my desk.

We had light dinner and now are watching the news on PBS. Will take a walk after the news.

Watched two shows on Acorn before turning in.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Sunday June 25, 2017

Weekend update:

Short recap of the weekend.

Saturday June 24 morning; walked to Panera for our standard breakfast.

At home I did a quick bike ride, 7 mile, on my single speed.

1100 we got in Escape and headed to the old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills. Today the OHNA is having their annual garden tour. A lot of folks were in attendance. It was a beautiful summer’s day. The old neighborhood looks great. A lot of improvement to homes. OH is greater GR’s hottest home market. Homes are on market for no more than two days.

Stopped at Breton Village Mall on the way home. The mall is undergoing a big renovation. It will no longer have the covered interior pedestrian walkway. The entrance to stores is from outside. I don’t know if I like this concept especially when shopping in winter.

I made a quick trip to ACE to buy a wall hook. I put the hook in the garage so I can tie up my single speed bike.

Nancy grilled hamburgers and vegetables for dinner.

Debbie face timed us and we spent some time catching up.

Sunday June 26

Up at 0630 and get ready for our 0800 trip to Y. Nancy swam and I did reduced calisthenics and a mile run. Stopped at Panera for coffee on our way home.

We attended the 1030 service at Trinity Lutheran. The service was well attended.

On way home stopped at Meijer’s for food and gas. Gas was $2.34. Lately my weekly fill up has been less than $20.00.

Quick lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.

At 1500 we drove to Moleski’s for a Polish dinner. Six folk in attendance. Only Tom Moleski and me were not teachers.

It was still daylight when we got home. Took Ms P on her daily walk. She likes it when both of us accompany her on the walk.

Read the GRP and some TV before turning in.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Friday June 23, 2017

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Boy did it rain last night. We had about four heavy showers last night. It was still raining when we got up this morning.

I did turn on the AC so the house would be cool when Kim came to clean.

Because of the rain I did all my calisthenics at home this morning. I got on the rowing machine and the screen was blank. I replaced the batteries and the screen was still blank. However, as I started rowing the screen gradually became brighter and brighter. After 10 minutes of rowing it was normal.

Showered had breakfast and just as I was leaving Nancy and Kim arrived. Nancy said the rain had stopped so I biked to Panera. My bike route this morning included the hills on Thornapple Drive north of I 96.

Last night I read Peggy Noonans OP-Ed that I think will appear in Saturday’s WSJ. She wrote about the bias of the news media. I highly recommend it. She hit the nail on the head.

Each morning I check the “News” App on my ipad. I read the “New Editors Pick”, “News Top Stories”, “Daily Mail” and “The Telegraph”. Lately, The Telegraph has blocked out many stories because they want you to buy a subscription. I quit reading The Telegraph.

Some articles I found interesting.
Turkey is no longer teaching Evolution in their schools. Sound familiar?
Dental work in USA is so expensive that many folks are going to Mexico. Nancy and I can attest to the cost of dental work.
Leave them alone and they will multiply. Grizzly bears in Yellowstone are no longer endangered. In Michigan the beavers were once trapped out. They now are so numerous that they are a nuisance.

The Navy Destroyer Fitzgerald’s crash is confusing. The cargo ship made a surprise U turn. Some stories say the cargo ship was on auto pilot. Usually the skipper of a US Naval vessel involved in an accident is held responsible and subject to Court-Martial. I asked several former sea going Naval Officers about responsibly. They said no comment until the investigation is complete.

Kim had finished cleaning about the time I got home, 1300. The house looks good.

Spent some time getting my office squared.

I have had my single speed bike hung up for the past nine months. I thought I had used a standard padlock to secure but the master key did not work. Today I gathered all my keys that looked similar to the padlock. The last key I tried worked, so no need to saw the lock. The bike had clip on pedals that I have problems with, especially when trying to dismount. I usually fall. Took the bike to the Ada Bike shop and they put on standard pedals. At home I took the bike for a spin. I was able to get up a steep hill near the condo. I think all the hill climbing I have been doing has strengthened my legs.

Nancy and I took Ms P on her nature walk. No problems.

Nancy is cooking a pork chop and asparagus in the crock pot. It smells good.

I still don't know what net neutrality is, or do I care?

Afghanistan is a mess. I hope we can get out soon.

The Philippine Government is having problems containing the Islamic militants on the island of Mindanao. I hope we don't get pulled into this mess.

Does the GOP’s health plan require everyone to have insurance? I think we should all pay just like auto insurance.

We had a quiet evening reading and watching TV.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Thursday June 22, 2017

Blog time 1115 at Panera

Swim day for Nancy so we were up at 0615. I was ahead of schedule this morning, left home before 0800. Very humid and threatening rain but weather folks say not until late afternoon.

Experts say that on warm days the best tee shirt is one made of wool. Quick drying and odor free. I started wearing wool this week and I think the experts are right.

I encountered a wild turkey hen with six chicks this morning along the side of the road. Stopped to take a photo but they took off before I could get my phone out. Slow draw Scott.

The Y’s summer camps are in full swing, kids everywhere. However, this morning the Y was empty of adults.

BRexit, the big apartment fire, and the Queen’s change of clothes are the big news in the U.K.

Chancellor Merkel had a fit when they found out that the CIA was tapping her phone. Now a German paper is revealing that the Germans have hacked into government offices in the USA. Why should this surprise anyone? All governments spy.

As soon as I got home we got in Escape and headed to Woodland Mall. I bought a 21” carry on spinner suitcase at Macy’s. Does anyone carry a suit in a suitcase any more? Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim. She is cleaning tomorrow.

We took Ms P on her nature walk yesterday. Total distance 0.7 miles.

I did read the papers but have nothing I want to comment on.

For dinner we headed to Blue Moose. This is a new restaurant, sports bar, in the same strip mall as Shepard’s Grill and LaLaguna. I had their spaghetti and meatballs and it was quite good.

My iPhone said no rain until early tomorrow morning. I started a walk around the block. Halfway through the walk the skies open up and I got drenched. Nancy got in the Escape to rescue me but I was so wet that I just continued walking. Typical summer shower, rain hard for ten minutes and then stop.

At home we watched final episode of Black Rock (?) on Acorn and then Pie in the Sky.

Neglected to turn on the AC so the house was very humid and warm. Nancy slept downstairs in the cool basement. I remained upstairs and sweated.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Wednesday June 21, 2017

Blog time 1850 sitting in den:

Sunrise 0603, Sunset 2124: 15h 21’ of daylight. Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year and official first day of Summer. This is good news, the bad news the days will now be getting shorter so winter can't be far away. Bummer.

Breakfast Club Wednesday so up at 0530. Left for downtown at 0615 in bright sunshine. We had a good turnout mainly because of new members. Today's speaker was from Manager for the local PBS station. Good talk especially about the impact of new technology on media.

After BC I headed to Woodland Mall. Had coffee at Starbucks while waiting for the Mall to open. I did not have much time to read the papers. Bought a charging cable for our iPads. Final stop was Meijer's to buy a bottle of anti-acid and Yogurt.

At home changed into bike clothes and took a nice gentle 12 mile ride. Great day for a ride, sun with temps in low 70s. I also took a walk around the block before lunch.

The Condo’s Property Management folks removed and replaced several wood deck boards.

I made a quick trip to Staples to buy another iPad cover. At home I installed the cover and found it was not what I wanted. Returned it later in the day.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy.

Before dinner we took Ms P on walk. Everyday she seems to be getting better.

Light dinner and now we are watching the news on PBS.

I got our Acorn network back. High tech solution, I unplugged TV, Apple TV and cable box. Waited a minute before plugging back in. Every thing is fine, we watched a new show on Acorn.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tuesday June 20, 2017

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Another sunny morning in GR. Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim. I headed out at 0800 into bright sun and 60 degree temp.

I just reviewed some spectacular photos of the forest fires in Portugal. I did not realize that Portugal was that heavily forested. A trip to Portugal is on our bucket list.

The BRexit talks have started and confusion on both sides prevails. The U.K. is all in a twitter because the temp reached 91 yesterday. Good grief 90 degree temps are common in the summer in most of the USA.

Nancy is having lunch with two friends, Carol Masten and Becky Verker. Tonight we are attending the annual meeting of our condo association, The Meadows. The meeting will take place at Noto’s restaurant.

I think there were over 200 kids attending summer programs at the Y today. MVP has a large outdoor facility that I pedal by every day. They have girls and boys lacrosse and soccer camps. Lacrosse has become a big sport in GR.

Way to go US Supreme Court! The Supreme Court said that the Rock Band, Slants, could keep their name. The decision was based on Free Speech. I agree.

Famous Sports Journalist Mike Francesca on his radio show used the term Orientals. He was blasted for using racist language. Good grief is this PC gone amuck. I was taught the term Oriental in grade school and in my 79 years have never been told it was racist.

As soon as I got home took a walk around the block followed by lunch.

When Nancy got home from lunch we got in the Escape and headed to Trader Joe’s. We bought wine, baguette and a watermelon.

I took a short nap. Nancy fixed me a steak and ale pie for dinner. We left home at 1815 to attend the annual Condo Association meeting. The meeting was well attended. Usual business meeting agenda followed by questions and answers. Not much controversy among the members. Like most organizations the shortage of funds is always a problem. The meeting was over by 1930.

We finished our outdoor activities by taking Ms P on a short walk.

I have lost my connection to Acorn and don’t know how to restore it. Tomorrow I will make work of finding what can be done.

We did watch an episode of Dr Blake Mysteries on Netflix before turning in.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday June 19, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Woke up at 0615 with sun streaming through slider.

Noticed on my bike ride to the Y that our recent heavy rains had filled every depression. Good mosquito breeding areas. Also noted a lot of downed branches across the trail.

It was 59 when I left and 71 when I arrived at Y one hour later. Speaking of weather the London papers are warning folks about how to survive the heat wave. Good grief the temp almost got to 90 yesterday. Business men are told they don’t have to wear suits.

What gives in the world of politics: the socialists are pushed out in France and replaced with center right government.

The center right government in UK loses seats to the left leaning Labour Party lead by a socialist.

The USA ousts the left leaning Dems and now control congress and most state legislatures.

Recent observations: we seem to be having a mini baby boom. I have noted a large number of pregnant women.

I noted this morning three men well over 6’5” each with a tiny wife and a baby. Which genes will prevail?

My favorite trashy newspaper the Daily Mail seems to be obsessed with stories about huge snakes. Every day is a new story about 20 foot python swallowing a deer or attacking children. The paper does have great historical photos. Today they had photos of the German Army during WW II. Another story complete with photos was about a couple climbing El Capitan in Yosemite completely nude.

Blog resumes at 1730 sitting on deck.

For the past two days Nancy and I have been walking Ms P a short distance in hopes that the walks will strengthen her leg. Today we took our longest walk to date. She seems to enjoy the outdoor activity.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the Escape and headed to the Meijer's at Knapp Corner. Nancy made several purchases.

Granddaughter AJ is coming to visit in July and Nancy spent some time today trying to find a place to stay in LA when we take her back. We have reservations at a Hampton Inn in Carson. We also are looking at the place in Redondo Beach.

I paid some bills this afternoon. Also spent some time looking for a wool tee shirt that I had stored for the summer. Surprise, I found a package of new underwear and also another pair of biking knickers. I was going to buy underwear and knickers so today's find saved me over $100.

I spent some time ironing khaki long pants and several khaki cargo shorts. I don't know how to properly iron cargo shorts.

Took a short nap. Tonight dinner will be light. Last night we watched several episodes of a London cop show. It was quite good but the name escapes me.

Today we had the condo maintenance folks stop by to look at our wood deck. They took measurements and will replace several wood boards. Today is also the day we get the lawn mowed. They are just finishing up, 1800, and it look great.

1850 and I am heading out to walk to a nearby mailbox. On these long days I really enjoy an evening walk.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday June 18, 2017

Weekend Update:

Blog time 1750 Sunday sitting at dining room table

It was raining Saturday morning so we got in the Escape and had breakfast at Anna’s.

For the first time I had baked oatmeal. It is also the last time.

After breakfast we headed to Kohl’s. I was looking for a carry-on suitcase. No luck.

I finally had a rainy day so I spent most of the morning in my office. I can't tell you what I did but I thought I had accomplished a lot.

I took several walks and a short bike ride. It was threatening rain all day but I did not get wet.

For dinner Nancy and I had pizza at JT’s. JT’s is becoming one of our favorite restaurants.

We watched some Netflix before turning in.

Saturday night we had some major thunderstorms roll through. The lightning was spectacular as was the thunder. It just poured. We were surprised that Ms P was not to perturbed.

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get ready for the Y. Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics and run. On way home we stopped at Panera for coffee.

Trinity Lutheran is on their summer schedule so we attended their 1030 formal service in the Sanctuary. No brass band or coffee. It is Father’s Day so the Homily’s theme was about fathers.

We stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas. Gas was $2.34.

It was 1300 when we got home. Quick lunch and then a nap followed by 2.5 mile walk.

Our heat wave has ended. High temp today in mid 70s.

I talked to all our kids today. They called and wished me a happy Father’s Day. I appreciated it.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a BLT sandwich. I also had corn on the cob. Great summer meal.

Finish reading the GRP and then maybe some Netflix before turning in.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Friday June 16, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Finally we got some much needed rain last night. It had stopped by the time we left home. I still have not figured out what the wear on these warm mornings. I overdressed this morning and was soaking wet when I got to the Y.

First time at the Y in over a week. I thought the place would be crowded with all sort of classes for vacationing school kids. Not the case the place was empty.

The big apartment fire in London still dominates the news. Like in the USA all the politicians are either defending themselves or blaming the folks in power. I am losing all respect for politicians of all stripes. It is all about getting and keeping power.

Some recent observations:

Several school bus stops on my morning bike ride. I am surprised at the number of men, over 50%, who drop the kids off and wait for the bus to pick them up.

The number of folks who put honey in their coffee. Honey! I drink mine black.

SUV’s seem more popular than sedans and most SUV’s have all wheel drive.

The most popular shorts for men are cargo shorts.

Today’s young 20s are much taller than my generation.

Consumer’s Report and J.D. Powers do not rate Jeeps very highly but they are very popular in GR especially the four door military style jeep.

At home I took an article to the UPS store to mail to CA. Made a quick stop at Costco to buy sandwich rolls. Costco was very crowded but the checkout lanes were fully staffed so paying was a breeze.

Nancy is grilling burgers, asparagus and potatoes for dinner. Sounds great.

Amazon is buying Whole Foods? What gives, I never thought highly of Whole Foods. Is it to try and put Walmart’s Grocery delivery out of business?

I don’t like President Trump’s change in our Cuba policy. I think if we eliminate all barriers that Cuba will implode.

NAFTA is good for the USA. I am a free trader.

How about a national sales tax. Congress should get working on tax reform. I like a sales tax because everyone pays. A low tax rate based on gross income with no deductions is my preferred tax. All income over $5,000,000 should be taxed at 35%. The rich folks must pay.

The grilled burgers, potatoes, beans and asparagus were great. I really like grilled veggies.

We watched an episode of Last Tango in Halifax before turning in.

Thursday June 15, 2017

Blog time 1015 sitting in Panera

I can't believe it, June is half over. Bummer! June is my favorite month

Today is Nancy's swim day so we are up early. Nancy has an appointment with our dermatologist this morning so I will take Ms P to her 1130 appointment at the Groomer. In order to get my routine done early, I did it at home.

Since my bike is in the shop I rode my backup bike to Panera.

We had a brief thunder storm last night but little rain. We need a good soaker soon.

It was sunny and mid 70s this morning heading to a high in mid 80s.

The huge fire in the 24 story apartment in London dominates the U.K news. PM May's difficulties in forming a government takes second place.

I got to the Groomers ten minutes early and the place was locked. I thought maybe they had gone out of business. The entrance door had a phone number and I called it. The Groomer said 1130 was opening time. Heck of an opening time for a business.

Horrocks is next door to the Groomer so I bought two 20 pound bags of bird seed. The birds go through about 20 pounds a week. We do have some pretty birds using the feeder.

Nancy was home from the Dermatologist when I got home. I had a quick lunch and then we headed to Costco for some supplies like peanut butter.

We picked Ms P up about 1330. I like her short hair. It should help keep her cool during these hot days.

The bike shop called and said my bike was done. Nancy drove me to Ada and I pedaled home. It is exactly five miles from the bike shop to our condo.

This afternoon we turned on the AC to cool down the house. Third time this week we have used the AC. I will turn it off right before we go to bed.

I read an Op-Ed piece by WSJ’s Peggy Noonan. It was about how nasty we as a nation have become. The news media has lost all efforts to objective. Comments made by Stephen Colbert on his show about the President of the USA were reprehensible. We have to be civil. Everyone should read Ms Noonan’s piece.

I blame a lot of our problem with folks, especially men, not being exposed to all sections of society. A large majority of men in my generation were exposed to a wide range of socioeconomic groups by being in the military. We all had a shared experience and learned to respect each other. Bring back the draft.

For dinner Nancy and I drove to Sundance. We sat outside and ate our scram-d-ham. First time we have be able to sit outside. One of the joys of Summer.

We read the GRP and watched a Netflix show before turning in.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Wednesday June 14, 2017

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday. I slept until nearly 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP. Rain has been predicted for today but it sure did not look like rain when I walked outside to fill the bird feeder. I decided to take a short bike ride to Panera. I rode to Cascade Twp Park on Thornapple. I like this route because I encounter several hills. The Medical folks say us old guys need to get our heart rate up for a short time every day. These hills do it. Total distance to Panera five miles.

After Panera I am taking my bike to the Ada Bike Shop for a tune up. Then I will head to the Ford dealer to get an oil change. I was surprised but the Escape's recommended interval for an oil change is 5,000 miles.

I checked the Alpena News and London papers. Nothing earth shattering. China is developing a solid fuel rocket, PM May still has not formed a government, Oliver Stone and Putin are a good match, lier to lier and today is Flower Day and Flag Day in the USA.

Blog resumes at 1750, sitting at dining table:

I am on my own for dinner tonight. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon and after her shift she is heading directly to Book Club. No more pizza night because Tom Moleski has golf league.

Uber is sure having growing pains. Its CEO is taking a leave of absence and board member David Bonderman is resigning because of a sexist remark he made to Arianna Huffington another board member. I read the remark and think it is a bit of a stretch to call it offensive. It is something men of my generation might say. Political Correctness gone amok.

Venezuela is a basket case. How long can Maduro hang on?

I was surprised that my oil change was free. The serviceman said the first change is always free.

After the oil change I took a quick walk around the block. It was 90 degrees. I also did a load of laundry and took out the recycle and trash.

Found time to take a short nap. I have a backup bike to use while my Bad Boy is in the shop. Pumped up the tires and took it for a short spin. The brakes squeal but beside that it works fine.

The shooting of the GOP Representative dominates the evening news. I am not sure how we can stop the actions of a single crazy gunman? Last week I blogged that I have changed my opinion of gun control. I now think assault rifles should be banned and handguns severely restricted. But perhaps the best thing is for folks to be civil to one another. Buy your enemy a beer.

Tuesday June 13, 2017

Blog time 1550 sitting in living room with AC running:

Heavy thunderstorms and rain were expected for last night and this morning. Never happened!

It is another warm day in GR. At 1500 it was 90 outside.

Nancy went swimming this morning. I did the calisthenics and a 2K row at home. After my shower Debbie and I walked to Panera for breakfast.

Debbie is leaving today for her home in San Jose, Ca. Her flight leaves at 1530. She is not looking forward to the long flight. I don't blame her.

After Panera I put on my bike clothes and took an eleven mile ride. Luckily I chose a shady route.

At 1415 we all got in the Escape and headed to the airport. We dropped Debbie off for her flight home.

Nancy and I really enjoyed having Debbie home. We enjoyed the good food and conversation.

Tomorrow has Nancy has book club at Tim Mask's home. With all the summer road construction it is nearly impossible to get to his house. This afternoon we did a dry run and found a suitable route. We also stopped at Riteaid in Gaslight Village to purchase some Fiber One cereal. Who would have guessed that you can buy breakfast cereal at a drug store. Finally we stopped at Macatawa Bank to deposit a check.

Just noted that I must have dozed off because my screen is nothing but dots. I will pause and take a short nap.

I did take a short nap. We had a light dinner. I took an early evening walk and then read GRP.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Monday June 12, 2017

Blog time 1000 sitting at Panera

We woke up this morning, 0615, with sun streaming through the sliding and birds chirping. Sunrise today was at 0602. Several week ago we bought a new and bigger bird feeder. The feeder is popular with all birds, big and small. I fill the feeder once a day. The feeder is nearly empty by noon. I have been putting silicone spray on the pole holding the feeder and that seems to keep the squirrels off.

Nancy headed out early to MVP for a class. I did my calisthenics at home, showered and then started reading the morning news. The U.K. Tories are having a hard time believing last week's election results. It might take some time for the U.K. pols to sort things out.

Debbie slept in today so I had my normal breakfast. We will have lunch at Yesterdog later.

I walked to Panera this morning. It was 81 degrees at 1000 with an expected high of 87 later.

Today is first day of summer vacation for school kids in GR. From age 12 on I would spent about the first six weeks of summer vacation at my Grandfather Scott's farm. I helped with the harvest of hay. I remember long days, three big meals a day, and hard work. My Grandfather paid me in a lump sum once the hay was in.

Walked home, Nancy and Debbie were waiting for me. We got in the Escape and headed to Eastown. First stop was Yesterdog for a world famous Yesterdog. We all agreed they were good.

Next stop was the antique store at the corner of Wealthy and Lake Drive. Spent some time looking around but nothing purchased.

Dropped Debbie and Nancy at home and then headed to the D&W gas station. Filled up the Escape. Gas was $2.39.

I took a 2.5 miles walk, followed by a shower and nap. Nancy had a late afternoon Dentist appointment to reattach two permanent crowns. The Dentist said this time he used super-glue.

We had dinner at Brann's. Debbie and I had their sizzler and Nancy a baked potato.

We watched a Dr Blake Mystery and some of the NBA game before turning in.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Sunday June 11, 2017

Blog time 1750 sitting in living room

Yes folks another nice day in West MI. The temp is presently 89. First time this year for the AC.

Today was a lazy day. Slept in until nearly seven. I did make a quick coffee run to Panera. Around 0900 we headed to Saugatuck. We were surprised at how light the traffic was. We assumed because the temp was heading to 90 that folks in large number would head to the beach.

We had breakfast this morning at the Pumpernickel in downtown Saugatuck. Even the popular Pumpnickel was not very crowded.

After breakfast we headed to the Antique Mall. This mall is huge and we spent several hours looking around. Debbie bought a number of items but Nancy and I struck out.

Quick lunch and then I took my mandatory Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 2.67 mile walk. It was hot and I did not encounter much foot traffic.

Showered and headed to the living room to write this brief blog. Nancy is fixing lasagna for dinner. Tonight might be a Netflix evening.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Saturday June 10, 2017

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room:

Our streak of great weather continues. This morning we had breakfast at Sundance. Nancy and I had taken Sundance off our list of preferred restaurants. However, we all had a great breakfast. Sundance is back on the list. I thought their oatmeal was especially good.

Today we headed back to Lake Odessa to visit the big antique shop that was closed yesterday. Good decision. Debbie made several purchases and I bought an item that my parent's gave me for Christmas in 1948. Sort of a blast from the past.

No more stops after Lake Odessa. At home Nancy and Debbie headed to Costco and beyond and I put on the bike clothes and headed out on a nice gentle 11 mile ride. I say gentle because the temp had risen to high 80s. I love this warm weather.

I did take a nice nap. For dinner we headed to Grattan and the Grattan Irish Pub. Nancy and Debbie had sandwiches and I had the smelt basket. Love smelt.

Debbie and I took a walk around the block as soon as we got home. It was a streaming evening. First show "Murder in Paradise" followed by the "Dr Blake Mysteries".

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Friday June 9, 2017

Blog time 1800 sitting in living room with Nancy and Debbie

Despite our late bedtime Nancy and I were up at our normal time. Nancy headed out to a class at MVP. I did my entire calisthenics routine at home. This morning Debbie and I walked to Panera for breakfast. I had my standard oatmeal breakfast and Debbie had only a bagel.

We all got home at the same. Today is antiquing day. We pile in the Escape and headed to Lake Odessa. We visited two stores and purchased an antique cast iron iron to use as a door stop.

After Lake Odessa we headed to Pinky's on Alpine Ave. We did stop at Five Guys for lunch. We each had a burger. Great burgers.

We spent an hour looking around Pinky's but purchase nothing. I dropped the girls off at home and then headed to the D&W gas station for a fill up.

As soon as I got home Debbie and Nancy headed to Sam's Club. I took a nap.

We had dinner at Russ's. Debbie and Nancy had chicken rice soup and I had a hot turkey sandwich.

At home I took a quick walk around the block. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing in the living room. No TV tonight. Another great summer day in Michigan.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Thursday June 8, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Wow another nice sunny day, our streak continues. Nancy was out early for her Thursday swim at MVP. I left at 0800 for my hour bike ride to the Y.

In my recent blog I mentioned that this week the Y is hosting students from a school for kids with disabilities. Today they had the kids going up the climbing wall. It is a confidence builder. Good job folks.

Today my favorite 94 year old UM grad, class 54 and his wife, class 56 asked me a movie question. What was the title of the war movie staring Burt Lancaster and Frank Sinatra? I knew the answer, From Here to Eternity. Next question the female lead? I knew the answer to that one, Deborah Kerr.

The London papers today were all about today's U.K election plus several articles about the Senate appearance of the former FBI director Comey. What is the fascination with a Federal bureaucrat? Hillary said he cost her the election and President Trump fired him.

London paper had a list of the World's Top 20 Universities. Eleven were located in the USA. No USA public university made the list. Four were located in the U.K and surprising two were in Switzerland and only one in China.

Mammoth resort in CA still has over 240" of snow at the summit. They will be skiing until August. CA goes from drought to abundance. As a wise Michigan farmer once told me "one extreme follow another".

At home I took my bike to the Ada Bike Shop. They are booked a week out so I will bring it in next Wednesday. Next Nancy and I got in the Escape and headed to Pet Smart for pills for Ms P and a final stop at Trader Joe's for supplies.

Took a nap and then a light dinner. We watched Pie in the Sky and now are watching Bosch on Amazon. After this show is over we are heading to the airport to pick up Debbie.

Debbie's plane was on time. We had a nice talk before turning in at midnight.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Wednesday June 7, 2017

Blog time 2120 sitting in den watching NBA BB game

Busy day today, starting with Breakfast Club. Up with alarm at 0530 leave home at 0630 and head downtown to the University Club in the 5/3 Bank building. Arrived early so took a walk around downtown. Who should I meet but the Assistant City Engineer, Rick DeVries. Rick is head of design for the city. Rick was my first hire back in 1978. At the time Rick had just gotten out of UM. He is a great engineer and glad to see him doing so well. We had a nice talk.

Nice turnout for Breakfast Club, I think the fact that the drive downtown was in bright sunshine helped. Today's speaker talked about Kent County's Mental Health programs. Very interesting and I was surprised that the County' mental health budget was $145,000,000.

During the meeting Nancy texted me that our power was out. After BC I headed home. No power but the Power Company was working on it and said power would be restored by 1100.

Changed into my bike clothes and headed to the Y. At Y did my routine at 50% except for the mile run. After a shower I headed home. Nancy is working at Meijer's this afternoon and after her shift we are both working the concert tonight. Tonight's performer is Diana Krall.

I drove Nancy to the Gardens for her afternoon shift. Back at home I did a load of laundry, took out the trash and a short nap.

Left home at 1615 for Meijer's. We started work at 1700 and worked until 1945. The concert started at 1930. It was a beautiful night for an outdoor concert. Temperature was in low 80 with sun and a bright blue sky. Nancy said the concert was not sold out but I thought it was. We watched until the intermission and then headed home.

No time to read newspapers today. I did get my 30' in today did you?

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday June 6, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Love having the sun streaming through our slider 0600. Our string of nice days continues.

Nancy heads out early for her Tuesday morning swim. I am on the bike at 0800 heading to the Y.

Today I talked to a gentleman who lives in Maryland. Every year he brings his handicapped daughter to a special school located on Burton Street next to the old MAC. I first met him at the old MAC. He said this school is one of the best in the USA. His daughter is now 20. This is the last week of class so the students are attending the Y and learning to use their special exercise machines.

Today is the 73rd anniversary of the D Day landing in France. The Daily Mail has a number of colorized photos from the Landing. Very interesting. I have met several men who were involved in the landing. All vets who took part would now be in their 90s.

Thursday is Election Day in the U.K. I was surprised but I did not see any poll info in today's papers. Maybe after blowing BRexit the pollsters are laying low.

The London Police Chief said today that despite the terror incidents she does not think regular police officers should be armed. I agree. In fact I have changed my opinion of allowing folks to carry guns. I don't want to be in a restaurant or public arena with some folks carrying guns.

Blog resumes at 1715 sitting on deck drinking Vernor's ginger ale and soda.

Left Panera at 1230, temperature had risen to 75. At home chained up my bike and took a walk around the block.

Kim cleaned today so the house will be nice and clean when Debbie arrives Thursday night. After lunch I moved a TV into the room Debbie will be using. Also spent some time putting away more cold weather clothes. I think no more temps in the 30s until September.

Tonight Nancy is grilling brats. Grilled brats are a sure sign summer is upon us.

I really enjoy our deck but several wood deck boards are badly warped. Called condo maintenance company and they said fill out a form and they will put me on the list. Sounds like a stall.

Some family stories from this date, June 6.

June 6, 1927 my Grandmother Hughes was in Italy. On this date she took a bus tour, first stop Pompeii to visit ruins and then lunch in Amalie followed by a drive to Sorrento and then back to Naples.

June 6, 1938 my Great Grandfather Sanborn spent all day working in garden. He did take a break and drove down to Smith Fish House and bought a piece of herring for dinner.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Monday June 5, 2017

Blog time 1055 at Panera

Set the alarm for 0630 because I have to get morning activities done early. I have a 1230 dentist appointment.

Before leaving I filled our bird feeder to the brim. We have a lot of birds using the feeder and it is usually empty by mid afternoon. After going through 20# of seed in a couple of days I decided to fill the feeder only once a day. The early bird gets the seed!

It was foggy when I left this morning. I turned on all my bike lights. Temp was in low 60s. Expected high 72 which is cool compared with yesterday's 85.

The London terror attack and Thursday's election dominates the London papers.

On Sunday AHS held its 135th graduation. 288 students in the class with the surprising news that 164 graduates had 3.0 GPA. Talk about grade inflation.

Alpena has declining population as seen by the number of graduates. AHS is the only high school in the county. In 1956 there were two high schools AHS and Alpena Catholic Central, total students graduating were well over 300.

AHS Grads in my family: Grandmother Hughes (McTavish) 1886, Grandmother Scott (Sanborn) 1900, Mother Margaret Scott (Hughes) 1924, Father Robert S. Scott 1924, Robert H. Scott 1956, Sister Helen Crandall (Scott) 1959.

Left Panera early for my 1230 dental appointment. At home changed clothes and headed out. The dentist removed a temporary crown and put on the new one. He used his drill to trim the new crown so my partial would fit properly. Great job.

At home took walked around the block before lunch. Spent most of the afternoon in the office catching up. I did take some time off to bike to the bank and get some money for Kim who will clean tomorrow.

Light dinner and we watched the news. Watched an episode of Bosch on Amazon. Nancy turned in and I am watching a detective show based in Singapore in 1964. I was in Singapore in 64. I think the show took some liberties with historical facts. I like the show.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Sunday June 4, 2017

Blog time 2115 sitting in den watching last episode of Shetland

Up at 0630 and we got ready for the Y. We had electric storms roll through last night. But when we left this morning the sun was out.

We stopped at Panera after the Y but the line was too long so we bailed out. At home we changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 service.

After service stopped at Meijer's for supplies and gas.

I had a quick lunch and then we got in Taurus and headed to Horrick's to get bird seed and produce. We also stopped at Fresh Thyme to get apples and grapes.

Took a two mile walk and then my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I checked our finances and found I had taxes due this month. Paid the taxes and also wrote a quick note to Grandkids. I always include a $2 bill with each monthly note.

Nancy cooked brats and corn on the cob on the grill. Brats are a great summer meal.

For some reason we did not get a GRP today. No big loss.

Tonight we watched the last two episodes of Shetland. I love this show.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Saturday June 3, 2017

Blog time 1500 sitting at dining room table.

The string of warm sunny days continues. The sun streaming through the slider woke us up this morning. We walked to Panera for our standard Saturday breakfast. We see the same crowd every Saturday. I think we can recognize 80% of the folks.

First thing after breakfast we all got in the Escape and headed to Pinky's an Antique mall on Alpine Ave. This mall looks small on the outside but is quite large inside. Good selection so we will return next week with Debbie.

Nancy dropped Ms P and me off at home and then headed to several nurseries. I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a ten mile run. We have not seen any deer in our neighborhood in several months but on today's ride I had two deer cross my path.

After the ride I showered, had lunch and started writing this blog. The London paper did not have any items I want to comment on.

The US Navy had some good management advise for young Ensigns. One piece of advise was that you always scolded in private and praised in public. I don't think our President ever got this advise. To scold the NATO members in public about their lack of effort to increase their military funding to NATO was out of line. However, an article in the WSJ stated that since 1983 NATO nations have reduced the number of planes, tank, ships and soldiers by over 50%. The message was correct but the delivery was wrong.

For dinner Nancy and I drove to Brann's. I had a bowl of soup and Nancy had a sandwich. We watched an episode of Shetland before turning in.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Friday June 2, 2017

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Thank God it is Friday. Now why would a retired guy make that statement?

Another great sunny day. It was 49 when I left at 0800 and it is now 73 heading to an afternoon high of 80.

Lately I have been hung up on bike safety. This morning I modified my bike route to avoid the most hazardous drives. The mileage remains the same.

For the summer I was going to get all my aerobics through bike riding and I increased by mileage considerably. Now I am having second thoughts and have started running on the Y's indoor track. I have concluded that running is the best aerobic exercise. I will reduce the bike miles next week.

Think most news outlet in Europe and the USA are taking Fridays off. Good idea.

Tax reform is not making much headway. The GOP wants to eliminate deductions for home mortgages and state and local taxes. Home owners get a break but renters do not. Home builders and state and local governments howl.

Folks working for an employer who pay for their health insurance get a break while the single payer does not.

I think the solution is to eliminate the income tax for people making less than $100,000 per year and impose a sales tax. Of course these folks would still pay their FICA taxes.

As soon as I got home I took a walk around the block. I miss walking Ms P but her torn ACL has still not healed.

Lunch and then some errands. Bought a chin up bar at Dick's. Shaving cream and moisturizer were purchased at Meijer's. Finally bought a 20# bag of bird seed at ACE.

I did take a short nap. It is now 1730 and I am sitting on the deck drinking wine and finishing this blog. Unsuccessful!

Blog resumes on Saturday at 1400. I had a Trader Joe's Steak and Ale pie for dinner. Real good. After the dishes I took another walk around the block.

We are watching Shetland on Netflix. We watched episode 2 and thought the show was two parts. We were wrong so we watched episode 3 but still one more episode to go. We are hooked so will watch episode 4 on Saturday.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Thursday June 1, 2017

Blog time 1140 at Panera

The sun came streaming through the slider early this morning. Sunrise today is 0605. In Alpena sunrise is 0549. 15h 10' of daylight

Nancy headed out early to a busy morning. Swim at MVP, then a visit to foot doctor followed by lunch with Linda Moleski.

My morning followed normal routine. Bike to the Y, shower and head to Panera for some reading. I think every retiree has a routine they like. Mine is coffee and some time to read the papers.

Rich guys are really fascinated with space travel. Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have their space rockets. Now Paul Allen cofounder of Microsoft unveiled his plane. This plane is the world's largest surpassing Howard Hughes' Spruce Goose. 385 foot wing span with six engines. The purpose of a the plane is to launch satellites. Apparently it is much cheaper than launching satellites from land. Oh what a billion dollars can do. At least they are not spending their loot on houchy gouchy girls.

Speaking of Elon Musk, he has said he will withdraw from some committees he was appointed to by President Trump if the USA withdraws from the climate change accord.

Did you know that the USA is ranked 114 of 163 nation on the Global Peace Index. Apparently our fractured and nasty political environment is the reason.

The law school grads in CA are whining because only 30% pass the bar exam. Folks want the exam made easier. CA has always had difficult Professional exams. Only 30% of the folks taking the Professional Engineer's exam when I took it in 1966 passed. I was one of the lucky ones. The Engineer's exam is now a national exam with a passing rate well above 50%. I think it is too easy.

Eric Prince wrote an op-ed piece in the WSJ today on Afghanistan. I thought it was very good. Eric Prince is the brother of our Sec of Education and a former Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater.

One of reasons I did not vote for Donald Trump was his belittling of John McCain for getting shot down. Trump said his heros don't get shot down. Mr Trump should have looked at several recent US Presidents. Navy Lt John Kennedy had his PT boat cut in half by a Japanese Destroyer and Navy Ltjg George HW Bush had his plane shot down by the Japanese during WW II.

As soon as I got home took a quick walk around the block followed by lunch. After lunch I got in Escape and headed to Dick's Sporting Good to look for a chin-up bar that hooks into a door jamb. I found several but need to get some dimension of several doors in the basement of our condo.

I took a short nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Shepard's Grill. I had a lake perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of soup.

We watched an episode of Shetland on Netflix and now I am watching the NBA finals.

The evening news tonight had as their lead story President Trump's decision to drop out of the Paris Global Warming Accord. I think this was a bad decision by President Trump.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Wednesday May 31, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

I can't believe it is the last day of May. How come the nice months pass so quickly?

We had a brief shower pass through last night but woke up to bright sunshine.

Today is my easy day. I started the day with a short five mile bike ride around Cascade Twp Park. First time I have visited the park in the morning. The park was loaded with folks walking their big dogs.

Stopped at Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. This morning a story in the Telegraph said that President Trump was pulling out of the Paris Climate Change agreement. I think this is a big mistake. The science seems pretty clear that climate change is real. Big question where does a London paper get its info about US policy before US papers? Different standard?

The Trump inner circle seems to be inhabited by political amateurs.

Several decades ago nuclear power was seen as a great alternative to coal or oil fired power plants. Nuclear power had no emissions. However difficulty in finding a depository for their waste created problems with the environmental folk and competition from plentiful natural gas are leading to its downfall. Today it was announced that the Three Mile Island nuke plant will close if they do not receive huge funding from Pennsylvania. This is not likely to happen. Michigan also has a plant in SW MI that is scheduled to close.

The Federal has found a suitable depository for nuclear waste in Nevada. The site, Yucca Mountain, has gone through extensive review and has been found suitable. However, former Nevada Senator Reed has blocked all efforts to open the site. Under the new administration there is talk to open the site. I sure hope so.

As soon as I got home Nancy helped me package an old iPad that I am sending to Steve. When done I got on my bike and headed to the mini PO at D&W to mail the package.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Quick lunch and then I did a load of laundry. Took a nap and then started ironing some khaki pants. I also tried ironing several pair of khaki cargo shorts with less than desirable results.

Light dinner tonight followed by a short walk to the mail box. It looks like it will be a Netflix evening. We watched an episode of Murder in Paradise and some of the hockey game before turning in. I am rooting for Nashville.