Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday May 31, 2016

Log time: 2145

Almost back to normal Tuesday. Nancy got up early and headed to MVP for her Tuesday swim.

I did my calisthenics at home and then called our plumber. He said he would arrive at 0930. We need a plumber to unhook our kitchen sink before the new counter tops can be installed. After the top is installed he will come back and hook everything up. The plumber looked at our sink and pointed out a potential problem that will require some carpenter work before the new top can be installed.

I pedaled to Panera for coffee and to read the papers. Unfortunately I could not download the WSJ this morning. I called Apple and cancelled my subscription. I will reload tonight or may start reading the NYT. I read USA Today and the news clips on the Apple News app.

I pedaled 8 miles to the Y. Today I ran a mile. I did step on the scale and found out my weight had not changed despite the Holiday.

Randy our painter, who also works at the Y, told me that he is ready to start painting the downstairs bath on Friday. I will have to spent some time moving all the stuff out of the bath.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Williams Bath. They are providing the new countertops. Nancy wanted to know if they could help solve our sink problem. They were not much help.

At home I took some new measurements. I think that our painter, Randy, could do the necessary carpenter work so that the sink could be installed. Stay tuned.

Took Ms P on her nature walk. I took a short nap and then headed downstairs to clean out my in-basket. It took over 90 minutes.

Had a light dinner and then we took a short walk. Watched Rosemary and Thyne on netflix. It is 2200 and the outside temperature is 75. Don't you just love warm weather.

Monday May 30, 2016

Log time: Tuesday 2110

May 30, Memorial Day:

The original purpose of this day was to honor our Military men and women who died in the line of duty.

In the late 40s early 50s, I was a Boy Scout with Troop 78. The City of Alpena always had a big parade on this day. The National Guard, AHS marching band, and several veterans groups marched in the parade. Also marching was my scout troop.

The parade started in downtown and ended at the Cemetery, a distance of about one mile. The National Guard’s Honor Squad gave a 21 one gun salute. Speeches were made and then we visited the family plot.

I remember another highlight of the day. My mother let me take off my long underwear for the summer. After marching in the parade of course.

Today Nancy and walked over to Panera for a quick breakfast. After breakfast we drove to Tanger Outlet Mall. I bought a pair of pants at American Eagle.

At home I took a short bike ride. Shaved, showered and then put on my swim suit. Today Nancy and I are attending a pool party at Kathi’s.

Nancy spent some time in the pool. In fact she got her first sunburn of the year.

Kathi fixed brats for dinner. She also made a great lemonade with Jack Bean.

Another warm sunny day in GR.

Sunday May 29, 2016

Log time: 2230

Memorial Weekend Sunday:

We have a tradition of eating breakfast In Saugatuck one day during the Memorial holiday weekend. Today is the day. Left home in bright sunshine.

We had breakfast at Pumpernickels. Sat on their screened in porch to eat. It was great sitting outside.

After breakfast walked along the dock looking all the rich folks boats.

We spent some time visiting the small unique stores along Butler Street. I bought a vintage poster of Bugs Bunny. Nancy bought a book of events during the year of her birth.

After shopping we drove to New Richmond to look at the historic multi span steel truss bridge. The center span of the bridge is moveable. This historic structure was renovated in 2004 to a pedestrian bridge. Of course the renovation was under the direction of Scott Civil Engineering.

I took a short nap and then got on my bike and rode around the neighborhood. I put in 12 miles.

Nancy grilled burgers this evening. She also prepared a salad and sweet potato. For the first time this year sat on the deck and ate dinner.

Bob and Nancy took a walk around the block.

We watched the Man in the Castle on Amazon and did not like it. I also watched an episode of Rake.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturday May 28, 2016

Log time: 1920

Another nice warm day with temps in the low 80s. Intermittent sprinkles but they did not slow anyone down.

Nancy and I walked over to Panera for breakfast. We usually spend about 90 minutes talking and drinking coffee.

At home I changed into my bike riding clothes. My ride today was 12 pleasant miles.

Ms P and I took our nature walk. I took a shower and changed into warm weather clothes.

Usually every evening I wake up about 0200. Before going back to bed I download tomorrow’s WSJ. This morning I was told no wi-fi. I headed downstairs and played with our router. I finally got back on-line. Still no WSJ. I concluded because of the holiday the WSJ did not print an edition.

I was wrong. Downloaded about 1200.

Nancy is planning on replacing the counter tops in the kitchen. She has the quartz picked out but we still need a new sink and fixtures. Today we headed to Lowe’s to look at sink and sink fixtures. Nancy found what she wanted and the clerk was very helpful. We also looked at dehumidifiers, shower heads and paint. The paint is for both the kitchen and downstairs bath.

At home Nancy ordered a dehumidifier from Amazon Prime. Our painter stopped by with samples for our kitchen and bath. Nancy’s plan is coming together.

For dinner tonight we headed to the recently reopened Cascade Roadhouse. We had a very relaxing dinner.

I finished my daily physical activities with a walk around the block. It looks like a streaming TV night.

Memories of Decoration Day past:

In 1966 May 30 fell on a Monday. That meant a three day weekend for all us working folks. Nancy, Debbie and I were living at 875 Woodside Road in Redwood City, Ca. I was working at Charles McCandless a civil engineering firm in Palo Alto, CA. It was a great place to work. For the past three months we were very busy and working six days a week. I was looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.

About 0600 I thought the alarm had gone off. I yelled at Nancy to turn off the alarm. Nancy looked around and said it was not the alarm. She looked out the door and saw all our neighbors running out. It was the fire alarm. Nancy grabbed Debbie and headed out. I followed but I got to the stairs but realized that I forgot my cigarettes. I headed back and got them. The entire apartment complex was standing in the courtyard watching the fire fighters do their thing.

We were all in our PJs. The fire was contained to just one unit so we lucked out. My Dad was what folks called insurance poor. He had insurance for everything. He passed it on to me. We had renter’s insurance so if the fire had spread we had some coverage. In talking to our neighbors I found out that none, not one, had insurance.

And that was how we started our Decoration Day weekend in 1966.

Friday May 27, 2016

Log time: Saturday May 28, 2016 at 1616

Friday the start of the Memorial Day weekend. In my youth the Memorial Day or Decoration Day holiday was one day only, May 30. It was changed in 1971 to the last Monday in May.

The warm weather continues. Today I was smarter on my choice of clothes to wear on my bike ride to the Y. I increased the mileage on my ride to the Y by 1.5 miles. My new total miles is 10.

I did the usual at the Y and then headed to Panera. I did read the WSJ but the only items I find interesting lately are articles on: Turkey, BRexit, India and the President’s trip to Asia.

I think that the next country for major economic growth is India. They are getting their act together. It takes them a little longer than China because they are a democracy.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her nature walk. I had a quick lunch. Nancy’s iWatch quit last night so I drove her to the Apple store. While she was getting the watch looked I stopped at Gazelle Sports. I wanted to buy another high visibility tee to wear on my bike rides. They had plenty but I refuse to pay $70 for a tee when I can buy a good one a Sears for $20.

Nancy fixed tamales for dinner. We went to Amazon TV and watched a movie, Jack Ryan. We rated it a B-. Another great Spring day.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Thursday May 26, 2016

Log time: 2037

Thunder storms rolled through last night. We gave Ms P a pill before bed so she was not disturbed by the thunder.

Swim day for Nancy and after breakfast I headed to the Y. No puddles on my bike ride so I assume the rain was very light.

I am having trouble figuring out what to wear on my bike ride. It was in the low 60s this morning and I over dressed. I was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y. I think I might have to take a change of clothes. Tomorrow I start experimenting.

I put my wet clothes back on and pedaled to Panera. Panera had their AC on full blast. Luckily I brought a sweat shirt.

I read the newspapers this morning and found nothing worth commenting on.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on our nature walk. Showered and then Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall.

I bought a shirt at J. Crew, safety shirt at Sears and a pair of wet shoes at Track and Trail.

This evening Nancy and I walked to Shepard’s Grill for dinner. I had their Shepard’s Pie and Nancy had a salad burger.

I just turned the AC on, first time this year.

Tomorrow is the start of the Summer season. I think I will buy a straw hat.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Wednesday May 25, 2016

Log time: 1740

Breakfast Club Wednesday: The alarm goes off at 0550 and I get right up. Headed out at 0630 in bright sunshine. I like driving in daylight. My night vision is not what it used to be.

We had a good crowd today but both breakfast and speaker were not up to BC standards.

Today is my rope yarn Wednesday. Rope yarn is a Navy term. In the old sailing Navy the ship would suspend Naval activities for an afternoon and allow the crew to do personal chores, such as: wash clothes, get hair cut and clean out their small locker. Most important they would write letters home. If they could not write they had a fellow crew member help them.

My first chore this morning was to get my car washed, inside and out. Then I headed to Berger and got an oil change.

At home I changed clothes and biked to the Y. I took the short route. I went swimming. Swam my normal 1,000 yards.

I had a quick lunch and then continued my rope yarn activities.

I did two loads of laundry, and took out the trash.

I have been letting my hair grow and it is the longest it has been in years. I asked Nancy what she thought and she indicated that she liked it short. I cut my hair.

Today Ms P and I went on our nature walk. We walk along the old golf course. Our route is 1.25 miles. Ms P likes the walk because I unhook the leash and let her roam.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She got home early because they were not busy.

I did take a short nap.

Today has been a great summer day. Sun all day and the present temperature is 87.

Rain starts later tonight. Look like rain every day right through the weekend.

Tuesday May 24, 2016

Log time: 1720

My body is in sync with the sun. The sun came up at 0610 and that is the same time I started stirring.

Another nice warm sunny day. Present temp is 86.

Nancy headed out at 0730 for her swim at MVP. I left shortly after and biked to the Y.

Did the calisthenics and mile run before heading to Panera.

Turkey appears to be the key to solving the migrant crisis. However, their efforts to control dissent is making the EU nervous.

Will the big offensive by the Iraq army against ISIS be successful? They do not have a great track record.

I agree with Trump when he says the invasion of Iraq was a big mistake.

Log resumes: 1730 Wednesday

After lunch tried to take Ms P on her walk. No luck.

Ran several errands. Stopped at Target and Dick's to purchase some gift cards. At Dick's I was looking for water shoes and a high visibility long sleeve tee. No luck.

Final stop was Costco. Bought a brick of Irish cheese and a 1.5 L bottle of wine.

Took a short nap and then at 1730 Nancy and I headed out to Bonefish Grill. We are meeting the Horlings, Karen and Hal, for dinner. Bonefish was jammed. Who goes out Tuesday evening?

We had good food and conversation. A nice evening.

At home we started watching a Netflix show but I fell asleep. First night this year where I haven't used the electric blanket to warm up the bed.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Monday May 23, 2016

Log time: 1730

Another great day with sun and temperatures in low 80s. Up with the sun, 0610, and we get ready for a busy day.

Nancy is not going to MVP today. Instead she and Kathi are going to Countryside Greenhouse in Allendale. Nancy said the parking lot was not full at 0900 but by 1030 no spaces were available. Nancy bought hanging baskets and flowers. She and Kathi had brunch in Walker.

I did my calisthenics at home and then got on my bike and headed to the Y. I was at the bottom of the long hill at Thornapple and Cascade Road when I realized I was missing my three front teeth.

Deer alert! A deer has just walked into my view. I took a photo.

My dental bridge that contains my three front upper teeth was sitting in a container at home. I turned around and headed back up the hill. I put my teeth in and headed back to the Y. Was this a senior moment?

At the Y I ran a mile, showered and headed to Panera.

Today’s news:

If you don’t have a college degree your chances of getting a home loan are elusive. I find this fact disheartening.

Will the army of Iraq really take Fallujah and should we care?

The Zika mosquitoes are coming to the US.

A lot of economic news this week but who cares?

I think it is premature to think the crash of the EgyptAir plane was an act of terror.

John Kerry said the sanction on Myanmar will remain. I don’t think sanctions work and may even do more harm than good.

After Panera I headed home. Nancy was not home yet so I took Ms P on her walk.

Had lunch and then spent an hour helping Nancy with her plants. I also put some packaged liquid cement in a large crack in our front concrete steps.

Took a nap and then headed outside to write this blog. It is now 1758, dinner time. Stay tuned!

Bear Alert! The evening news said a big black bear was seen about 1 mile from the condo.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So it seems with Vietnam. President Obama is now proposing selling military supplies to them.

For first time this year I wore shorts. A sure sign summer is here.

I got my 30 in today. I hope you did too.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday May 22, 2016

Log time: 1717

Sitting on the deck drinking wine and writing this blog. The temperature is 79.

This time of year who needs an alarm when we have the birds.

Sunday is swim day. The Y opens at 0800 and we do not have to leave home until 0750. At both the MAC and MVP when we went swimming Sunday morning we had to hustle to get a lane. Oftentimes we ended up sharing a lane. At the Y this morning Nancy and I were the only folks in the pool.

We did stop at Meijer’s for gas and supplies. I bought a coffee at Starbucks.

On our way home I stopped at Panera and bought Nancy a coffee. She loves their hazelnut coffee.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We also had fresh blueberries and strawberries.

After breakfast I took Ms P on her daily walk. I read the funnies and watched some news before taking my Sunday nap.

While I was napping Nancy headed out to Breton Village. She stopped at Talbot’s and D&W.

When I ride my bike to the Y I take a 6 mile route. I have been thinking of changing my morning route. I got on the bike and checked out a new route to the Y. This route is exactly 6 miles which is the same as my present route but it has several steep hills. I will keep my present route.

Nancy is grilling outside tonight. She is grilling brats and for the first time this year corn on the cob. Sound good.

After I do the dishes, yes I do the dishes, will take a walk around the block.

We will finish the evening reading the GRP and some shows on netflix or Acorn.

Did you know that Nancy and I have six restaurants within easy walking distance of the condo. An easy walk is less than a mile.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday May 21, 2016

Log time: 1810

The current temperature is 79. Warmer than LA and San Jose.

I am sitting at the kitchen table watching the news and writing this blog. Hope it comes out ok because I am not good at multi-tasking.

Busy day for both Bob and Nancy. Up at 0630 and we walk to Panera for breakfast. The staff at Panera is beginning to recognize us. We also see some neighbors who are also regulars.

As soon as we got home Nancy headed to Verhey tile to see about getting an estimate for installing tile in the kitchen.

I get on my bike and ride to Siedman Park. It is exactly 10 miles to the Park. Today was an absolute perfect day for a bike ride. I stopped at the Ada Bike store and bought a biking cap. Something I can put under my helmet to keep the sun off.

When I got home Nancy was busy working in the courtyard. I helped her dig several holes so she could plant some bushes. She has the yard looking good. On Monday she is going to Countryside Greenhouse to get some hanging baskets. She is going with Kathi Kothe.

I took a shower and then had a quick lunch. Spent most of the afternoon running errands. Stopped at Ace Hardware and bought some concrete sealer to repair a crack in our concrete steps. Also bought Nancy a new pair of pruning shears.

Next stop was Woodland Mall. At the Apple store I wanted to buy a short stylus for my iPad. They did not have a short one. Every morning I have the WSJ downloaded to my iPad. I wanted to know if I could get the same subscription on my laptop. They did not know.

I have been letting my hair grow. I have a hard time getting the fine hair to stay down. The man at the Shaving Center sold me a tube of gel that he said would solve my problem.

Finally I stopped at MC Sporting Goods and bought a fishing license. A Senior license only cost $11.

I did take a short nap before dinner. Nancy grilled steaks and veggies for dinner. It was great.

Ended my activities with a walk around the block. It is now 2000 and I am sitting on the deck finishing this blog. The temp is 75.

We will watch some streaming TV before turning in. I love May.

Friday May 20, 2016

Log time: 1410

Sitting on our deck writing this blog. The temperature now is 72 with sun. Love this weather.

Once again we are up with the birds. Nancy heads to MVP and I stay home and do all my calisthenics.

No Y today, after breakfast I pedal to Panera for coffee. As I mentioned earlier I do not read any newspaper articles about the presidential election. I did read several articles about the problems in Turkey and Brazil.

Puerto Rico’s financial problems are a mess. I hope no federal funds are used to get them out of their mess. It is hard to believe that 30% of their budget is debt related.

We have several local governments in the USA that have huge unfunded pension obligations. I hope the US Legislature does not cave and bail out these jurisdictions.

Why does a government employee have his college loan obligation forgiven after 10 years and a private sector employee does not?

I keep reading about Federal employees getting year end bonuses. Why should a Fed bureaucrat in a secure job get a bonus? Enough of the rants.

After coffee I pedaled over to Gagnon Travel so see about getting tickets to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. In late August Nancy and I are going on a Road Scholars tour of the American and Canadian Rockies. It is a 10 day tour that starts in Jackson Hole and ends in Calgary. We are going with the Nameys.

We have a busy summer planned. AJ is coming in July and then we will take her back to CA. The weekend of August 12 we are attending my 60th Alpena High reunion. The end of August we are heading to Jackson Hole.

After leaving Gagnon I took the long road home. My watch said I have biked over 17 miles.

Kim was busy cleaning when I got home. I took Ms P on a walk to get her out of Kim’s hair.

Nancy had an appointment with the cardiologist this afternoon. They gave her a clean bill of health. They did mention she should reduce her salt intake.

Tonight we are attending an event at the GR Art Museum. Stay tuned!

Resume Log at 2100:

Took a short nap and then a walk around the block before showering. We left home for the GR Art Museum at 1830. The GRAM offered snacks and I bought a wine. The GRAM was showing some of their art that normally is not on prominent display.

It is now 2118 and the temperatures 66. It is warmer in GR than LA or San Jose.

I think Spring has finally arrived. The trees are in full bloom, our grass is green and the temperature is warm.

We are watching a New Zealand Police drama on Netflix. I like it but Nancy is not sure.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Thursday May 19, 2016

Log Time: 2112

We woke up with the sun and the birds today. The weather folks say the high today will be in the mid 60s. Good news.

Nancy headed to MVP for her swim. I took the six mile bike route to the Y. Completed the calisthenics and headed to Panera for coffee and the papers.

I really think the business news folks spends too much time worrying about what the Feds will do with the interest rates. Who really cares and what difference will it make?

I did spent about an hour reading the WSJ but 11 hours later I cannot remember anything that I thought important. Lately I find USA Today's short simple stories more interesting.

On my way home I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. She comes to clean tomorrow. I have never been in the Cascade Macatawa branch when there were more than two customers.

I had a quick lunch and then headed out to Dr Lambert's office. Today I get my temporary crowns removed and the permanent ones installed. It took less than 30 minutes.

Stopped at the Orvis shop and bought a long sleeve tee. I have an Orvis khaki vest that I have been wearing for years. I wanted another one. Found out the vest is no longer available.

I have an ancient lamp in my office. The 3 way bulb burned out so I wanted to replace it. Only the Lightning Center carries this bulb. I wanted to buy two but I got the last one. They claim the bulbs are on back order. I sure hope so.

Nancy spent a lot of time in our courtyard today planting flowers. It looks good.

I took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk. Only the second time this week.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked over to Sundance. It is 0.8 miles. We both had their ham-de-scram.

Watched the national news and then an episode of House of Cards followed by Arrested Development. I don't like this year's House of Cards.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wednesday May 18, 2016

Log time: 1800

I am sitting on our deck drinking wine and writing this blog. It has been a nice spring day with sun and temps in the mid 60s.

Today is my easy Wednesday. I pedal over to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. I had a chance to read the WSJ from cover to cover. I am getting tired reading business and political news. The business pundits are always commenting on the Fed and interest rates. They are usually wrong. The political news is very depressing. I do like reading the world news especially about China and South America.

After breakfast I load the bike on the Cobalt and head to Millennium Park. First time that I biked Millennium this year. It was a great day for a ride. I rode 18 miles. This was my longest ride of the year.

At home I tried to get Ms P to take a walk. I was not successful. I took a short walk alone.

Spent some time lubing my bike. Tomorrow is trash and recycle day so I put our containers at the curb.

Nancy is working at the garden this afternoon. I took a short nap.

We had a light dinner tonight. Watched the news and then took a walk around the block.

It is now 2030 and we are watching Midsomer Murder on netflix.

Tuesday May 17, 2016

Log time: 1745 Wednesday

Tuesday morning: Nancy heads out for her swim and I do my calisthenics at home.

This morning Debbie and I walked over to Leo’s for breakfast. This was my first breakfast at Leo’s and it was good. Debbie thought so too.

When Nancy got home from her swim She and Debbie headed out to Standard Kitchen to look at counter tops for our kitchen.

I got on my bike and headed to the Y. I ran a mile and did some additional calisthenics.

Spent some time making up a list of things to do. Also scanned the WSJ.

Debbie leaves for CA this afternoon so we have to get her to the airport before 1730.

We had a late lunch at Russ’s. Debbie and I had Russ’s world famous chicken rice soup.

We dropped Debbie off at the airport about 1730. It was great having her. Nancy and I really enjoyed her company.

About 1630 Nancy and I headed to Noto’s for dinner. The three condo units that were built around the golf course are starting their summer monthly dinners. The dinner was well attended and Nancy and I met more neighbors. The food was very good.

Nancy taped NCIS so we could watch it when we got home. About 10 minutes into the show we both fell asleep. We will have to rerun the show to see how it ends.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday May 16, 2016

Log time: 2120

Up with the sun, 0615, this morning. I did the calisthenics at home.

Nancy headed to MVP and Debbie and I headed to the Gathering Place for breakfast.

After breakfast I gave Debbie a tour of Cascade and Ada.

Took Ms P on her daily walk and then got on my bike and took a 12 mile ride.

Shower, shave and a quick lunch followed by a nap.

At 1730 we all got in the Taurus and headed to the Beltline Bar for dinner. Kathi Kothi met us there. I had the Famous burrito for dinner. It was great. Both Debbie and I agreed the BB's burritos are the best.

It is now 2200 and we are watching Pioriot on Netflix.

We had spots of rain today but temps were in the mid 60s.

I think the cold weather has passed and we should return to normal tomorrow.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday May 15, 2016

Log time: 1740

The alarm goes off at 0650 and we get ready for our Sunday morning swim. The Y is so close that we can leave at 0745 and still get to the Y before it opens at 0800. Nancy and I were the first people in the pool. We both swam 1,000 yards.

Gas at Meijer’s today was $2.25. Every Sunday we use the self checkout lanes for items greater than 12. Today the self checkouts were gone. They must have figured out that folks were cheating. They still have the self checkout for 12 or less items.

Nancy gave Debbie her choice of her world famous scrambled or poached eggs. Debbie chose poached. Debbie had hers on toast and I had mine on a waffle. We also had fresh blueberries.

It was cold and windy but I took Ms P on her walk after breakfast. No complaints. Read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap.

Nancy noted an ad in the GRP for loungers at Aldi’s. I drove over and they were all sold out. Stopped at Staples and bought some containers for my office.

Nancy is fixing lasagna for dinner. She is also fixing a relish tray.

Tonight I will take a walk and then watch some TV/netflix. Sunset tonight is at 2057. We have 14h 41’ of daylight today. On June 21 we will reach our max of 15h. Long days are great.

Saturday May 14, 2016

Log time: 1541

It rained last night and I could hear the wind howling. The rain appeared to have stopped when Ms P and I went out. However, it was cold with temps in the low 40s and high wind.

The three of us walked to Panera for breakfast. I had my oatmeal with sourdough toast and the girls had toast and bagels.

The walk home was more pleasant because we had the wind at our back. Debbie and Nancy went shopping for antiques this morning while I stayed home. I did a load of laundry.

We had on and off rain and sleet this morning. Usually it would rain or sleet for about 10 minutes and then clear up. A very unpleasant experience if one got caught outside.

I took Ms P on her normal walk. We made it without any bad weather. I then took a two mile walk and I got caught in a brief sleet event. I had to put my pants in the dryer.

Nancy and Debbie had lunch at Yesterdog. Tonight we will have dinner at Russ’s. Stay tuned!

We headed out to Russ’s at 1830. Debbie said the chicken rice soup was as good as she remembers. I had a hot turkey sandwich and the women had a burger and soup.

At home we watched Death in Paradise on netflix.

The cold weather will continue for two more days. Think Spring.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday May 13, 2016

Log time: 1750

Friday the 13th: The alarm goes off at 0615. I have to hustle to get my calisthenics done because Debbie’s flight from Chicago comes in at 0830.

We all get in the Taurus and head out. I did stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. I drop Nancy off at the American terminal and then Ms P and I head for the cell phone lot.

We did not have to wait long. Debbie does not check bags so as soon as her flight landed she was ready.

We stop at home to unload the car and then head to Sundance for breakfast. It was 1000 and the place was crowded with a lot of old folks. The checks must of come in today.

Debbie’s iPad went dead so Nancy made an appointment at the Apple store. While they headed out I put on my bike clothes and took a 12 mile bike ride. It was a great day for a ride. Temps in low 60s with sun.

Debbie could not get over how green it was. That is a standard comment from folks visiting from CA.

After the ride I showered and had a quick lunch. Nancy needed some grapes so we headed for Costco. Eggs today were $0.66 per dozen. That folks is a record low price.

I took a short nap. Tonight we are eating at the Olive Garden. Stay tuned!

We got to Olive Garden at 1830 and I expected a long wait. No wait we were seated immediately. Debbie and I had pasta and Nancy had a bowl of soup. We all gave the place a B+.

Debbie wanted to see some family pictures. Big mistake! I got out all my family photos and we spent the rest of the evening traveling down memory lane.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday May 12, 2016

Log time: 2030 Thursday

Breakfast Club Wednesday and it was great to drive downtown in daylight.

Todays speaker talked about the sale of the Steelcase Pyramid to Switch a Los Vegas data storage firm. It is a huge project. The Pyramid had been vacant for the past six years.

I had the job of introducing the speaker. After BC I headed to the Starbucks at Woodland Mall. I had coffee and read the papers. Stopped at J Crew and bought a pair of shorts.

As soon as I got home I got on my bike and took a 14 mile ride.

Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon.

This evening Nancy and I are going to a charity event at Meijer’s Garden. Kathi Kothe is going with us. Last year we bid on the African Safari. This year we don’t plan on bidding. We did pay $60 for two bottles of wine. When we got home we found out that one bottle was worth $48 and the other $14.

Thursday May 12:

Up at normal time this morning. Rain is predicted for this afternoon. Before heading out to the Y I got the downstairs bedroom ready for Debbie. She is spending a long weekend in GR.

It rained last night so I had to pedal through some large puddles this morning. I did the calisthenics and ran a mile at the Y.

It must be exam time for area high school seniors because Panera was crowded with students studying.

WSJ spent a lot of space on the election. I don’t read about the elections so it did not take long to cover the other news.

I sure hope the impeachment trial in Brazil does not impact the Olympics. Did you know that Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous country?

It started raining as soon as I got home. Our dehumidifier is broken so I took it to Sears this afternoon. Sears does not do in-house repairs. The dehumidifier would be sent to TN for repairs. Of course I would have to put down a $100 non-refundable deposit. The salesman recommended I buy a new unit. I did not take his advise.

Stopped at Home Depot and found they had a dehumidifier for $50 less than the Sear unit. No decision was made.

At home Nancy informed me that Debbie’s flight out of San Jose was delayed. She was flying to Dallas and then on to GR. I planned on picking her up at 2200.

Nancy fixed a pork chop with dressing and lima beans for dinner. We watched the news. The rain had stopped so I took a walk around the block.
Debbie just notified us that American sent her to Chicago. They will put her up for the night. Her flight to GR will get in at 1000 tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

Tuesday May 10, 2016

The weather man said we can expect rain all day today. He was right.

I did the calisthenics at home today because at 0900 Dougherty Electric is coming to install four recessed lights in the kitchen.

Phil Dougherty was right on time. The job was more complicated than I had thought. Phil had to get in the attic so I had to empty a closet and remove several shelves. It took three hours to complete the job. The existing lights were very old and in order to remove the lights some damage was done to the drywall. The new lights look good. They are LED type lights. Next week I will have Remes Drywall in to patch the damaged area.

It was raining too hard for a bike ride so I got in the Taurus and drove to the Y. I ran a mile. After the Y I stopped at the bank to get some cash and then the dry cleaners.

Did not have lunch today until 1430. Took a short nap. Tomorrow morning I am introducing the speaker, so I put my intro on index cards.

Nancy fixed salmon for dinner tonight. Had it with a sweet potato and green beans. Good.

It is now 1900 and it look like I will not be able to do my evening walk because of the rain.

Tonight will read the GRP and watch NCIS.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday May 9, 2016

Log time: 1955

Woke to bright sunshine this morning and we enjoyed another great Spring day.

The news lately has spent considerable time reporting on the massive forest fires in Alberta.

In late Summer of 1948 I was 10 years old. It was Sunday and my parents were away for the weekend. At 0800 it was dark. At 0900 it was still dark. We did not know what was happening. My Grandmother's friend Goody Aikens who lived across the street came over and thought we might be under attack. She wanted to get her jewels and then stay with us. I escorted her while she picked up her jewels. Finally we turned on the radio and found out the darkness was caused by smoke from forest fires in Canada. We were relieved.

The smoke was so bad that they had to turn the lights on in Memorial Stadium in Cleveland. The Tigers were playing the Indians in an afternoon game. And that folks is my Canadian forest fire story.

I am back 100% on my Monday routine. Rode my bike to the Y and then did the calisthenics.

I was just getting started reading the papers when I got a call from our electrician, Phil Dougherty. Phil said he had a cancellation and wanted to know if he could come over. I said ok and got on the bike and headed home.

We are getting all the recessed lights in the kitchen replaced. Phil made some measurements and said he would get the new lights and install them soon. (in fact tomorrow) Phil also drilled a hole in a basement wall so I can extend a TV cable to the bedroom. I will move the TV to the bedroom so Debbie can watch when she comes Thursday.

I ran some errands before lunch. Stopped at Gander Mountain to look at some Keen closed toed sandals. They did not have the style I wanted. Neither did Gazelle Sports.

I had lunch and then walked over to Starbucks at the D&W store. It is exactly 1 mile from the condo. Read the WSJ and then walked home.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Nancy is having some extreme nerve pain. The nerve is in the foot. She is beginning to feel better.

Had a light dinner and then took a walk around the block.

It is now 2100 and we are watching Midsomer Murders on netflix.

This day in 1938, Ossineke, Mi. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote in his diary that it rained all day. He stayed home and put up 3 bushels of wood. His grand children David and Sister Johnson went back to school today. GGF Sanborn shot two rats and set three traps.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Sunday May 8, 2016

Log Time: Sunday 1700

Weekend update:

Saturday May 7: The birds woke us up this morning. We walked to Panera for our Saturday breakfast.

After breakfast I loaded up the Cobalt with all the items I want to toss and headed to the drop off point for the Township' Spring Cleanup day.

I was not the only resident who wanted to toss. The line was very long. I waited 90 minutes before I finally unloading.

After the ordeal decided I needed a nice relaxing bike ride. I took a gentle 10 mile ride.

After the ride I spent some time cleaning the bike. I also counted spikes on the 9 rear chain rings and three front rings. I am thinking of getting a 29er bike with only one front ring. I want to make sure it is configured so I am get up the steep hills in the Township.

I had a quick lunch and then tried to take Ms P on her walk. Ms P has been under the weather and did not want to walk, so I went by myself.

Showered, shaved and took a quick nap.

Nancy and I headed out at 1730 for Houlihan's. We met Ed and Mary Namey. The restaurant was very crowded.

After dinner we headed to the Namey's for coffee and dessert. We spent 90 minutes enjoying the food and talking.

Sunday May 8, Mother's Day: The sun was shining bright when I took Ms P out this morning.

At 0745 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Y. Nancy and I were the first persons in the pool. We both swam 1,000 yards.

Gas today at Meijer's was $2.19. As I mentioned before we do not buy as much at Meijer's since Fresh Tyme and Trader Joe's has opened.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle.

I deviated from my normal Sunday routine by walking around the block right after breakfast. After the walk I read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap.

I ran some errands this afternoon. Stopped at Meijer's and bought some body lotion with sun screen. Also bought dental supplies.

Next stop was Best Buy. I bought some coaxial cable so I can move the downstairs TV to the guest bedroom. Debbie is coming this week and she likes to watch TV before sleep.

It is now 1730 and for the first time this year we are grilling outside. Nancy is grilling Brats. Debbie and Missy called Nancy this afternoon wishing her a Happy Mother's Day.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday May 6, 2016

Log time: 2100

Woke up this morning with the birds chirping and bright daylight. Today the temperature reached 75.

Biked to the Y and really enjoyed the green foliage. Green is in.

I was surprised that the Y was not very busy. Maybe everyone was home doing yard work.

Panera was also not very busy. I was just getting started reading the papers when my phone goes off.

Bel Aire Heating said they had some cancellations and would like to come early. I said ok and got on the bike and hurried home.

Nancy took Ms P to the groomers to get her summer haircut.

The maintenance man checked out both the furnace and AC. Every thing was ok.

As soon as the AC man left we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Costco was very crowded. We bought four of the six items on our list.

I had a quick lunch and then started doing some chores. I put up the screen on our front door, planted a rose bush and dug up a dead tree in our court yard.

Tomorrow Cascade Twp is having their Spring cleanup day. I loaded up two bags with items I want to take to the Township's drop off spot tomorrow.

Nancy picked up Ms P from the groomers. She looks good with the short hair, it brings out her dachshund.

I took a short nap and then we headed to TJ's for pizza.

Nancy and Mary Namey have been emailing about doing something this weekend. Mary tried to get reservations for a Mother's Day Brunch but it was full. We will go out tomorrow night.

For the first time this year I turned off the heat. I hope I don't have to turn it back on until November.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday May 5, 2016

Log time: 2000

For the first time this year I wore my knickers. Yes knickers! It was sunny and bright when I left this morning.

Except for the red maples the other hardwoods are in full bloom. A downside of all the foliage is that the leaves block my view of wildlife along the road.

I did my normal routine at the Y and then headed to Panera.

Read the WSJ and USA today.

At home I had a quick lunch and then headed to the dentist office. Today I had two crowns removed and two cavities filled. They installed two temporary crowns.

Stopped at Costco and Fruitbasket Flowerland on my way home.

Took Ms P on her 1.25 mile walk and then a short nap.

After the nap Nancy said the paper had an article on Great Lakes Shipping, one of our favorite restaurants.

After 45 years they are closing.

No question on where we would eat tonight. Great Lakes was jammed. Nancy had a prime rib sandwich and I had the perch.

We are now watching House of Cards on Netflix.

Tonight I finished a brick of Pinconning cheese. I first has Pinconning in the late 40s. Pinconning is a small town on Lake Huron about 110 miles south of Alpena. Whenever my parents headed down south to Bay City or Saginaw they always stopped at the Pinconning shop and bought cheese. I recommend it.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wednesday May 4, 2016

Log time: 1600

Today is easy Wednesday. It was raining when I looked out this morning so I put on my rain gear and walked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Well it looks like it is decided. You vote for either Clinton or Trump. Neither are my first choice or for that matter second or third.

Press freedoms continue to be eliminated in China. I think whenever you try to suppress speech it will eventually come back and bite you.

I sure hope Brazil gets it act together before the summer games.

It was raining hard when I left Panera. At home I put on dry trousers.

Today I went swimming at the Y. Before the swim I got in the Cobalt and did some banking and picked up my dry cleaning.

The pool was not crowded today. I swam 1,000 yards.

I had a 1230 Doctor’s appointment today. The other night Nancy thought I had stopped breathing between snores. Dr Kutsche examined me and set up an at home Sleep Apnea test.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I don’t think they will be busy with the rain.

Right now I am waiting for the Alarm man to stop by and check out our system. I got a call from the company while drinking beer in a pub in Dublin, Ireland telling me the system had malfunctioned.

Stay tuned!

The alarm man spent about an hour installing an upgrade to our system.

Nancy said the Gardens were not busy today.

We had a light dinner. Watched the news.

I thought the rain had stopped so I headed out for my evening walk. Wrong! It was still raining. It is now 1950 and we are watching Jeopardy.

Tonight we will watch the final episode of Janet King on Acorn.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tuesday May 3, 2016

Log Time: 1730

I have waited six months for this. I am outside sitting on the deck drinking wine and writing this blog.

It was sunny but cool, 39, when I got on my bike and headed to the Y. I am almost back to my normal routine. Today I did everything at 80%.

I can't believe that we got back from Ireland one week ago today.

At Panera I had coffee and a banana and read the papers. I use to consider myself a politico junky but I am so tired of the presidential primaries that I refuse to read any articles about the clowns running for president. A country of over 300 million and this is the best we can do.

I did read about Puerto Rico's default. Should the US Taxpayer bail out an incompetent government.

The Detroit school system is broke, also because of poor management. It looks like the MI legislature is preparing a bail out package. I would shut the system down and let the kids go to private and charter schools.

After Panera I pedaled home and as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her daily walk. I had a quick lunch and then grabbed Ms P and headed out. I stopped at my eye doctors to get some new lenses in my backup glasses. We then headed to the Vet. Ms P had her annual physical. She had a shot and the Vet declared her in good health.

I did take a short nap before heading out on the deck.

Some good things to report on. The temperature increased 30 degrees from this morning. It is now 68. Our grass was mowed for the first time this year. I can spell the fresh cut grass. It is a good smell.

With the longer days I take a walk around the block every evening.

Tonight we will read the GRP and watch some TV. So what is new?

I never tire of listening to the Robin's call. Do they make as much noise when wintering over in FL?

Veronica called today and brought Nancy up to date on their family.

Life is good!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday May 2, 2016

Log time: 1739

Almost back to normal Monday. Nancy headed out to MVP and I rode the bike to the Y this morning. It was a bright, fresh morning. We had rain last night that seemed to clean the air.

I did the Y routine at 75%. I will be at 100% on Thursday.

Had coffee and a banana at Panera. I read the WSJ. I have found several new sources of news that I like. The new USA app is great and it includes headlines from the Detroit Free Press. I also have been reading Apple news.

This morning on CNBC, Warren Buffett was interviewed. His comments were very interesting. He maintains that for the little guy it is better to be a passive investor and buy index funds. He said that investors who invests in hedge funds do not do as well as passive investors. So for the long haul young folks should buy index funds and forget about them until you are ready to retire. That advise from Mr. Buffett.

Buffett is a big investor in Coke. Coke has been taking a hit lately from the food police because of their sugary drinks. Buffett drinks about 6 bottles of cherry coke a day. He looks pretty healthy for a man of 85. I really get mad at all the folks trying to tell me what to eat. Mind your own business.

At home I had a quick lunch and then ran some errands. I did banking, dropped several wool garments at the cleaners, mailed a package and stopped at the bike shop to get the brakes adjusted on my internal hub bike.

Took Ms P on her normal walk. She seems to be coming out of her funk.

Nancy had a tooth pulled this afternoon. She is uncomfortable but does not want any pain killers.

Light dinner tonight and then some streaming TV.

The yard folks have been busy today. Most of the offices near the condo had their grass cut for the first time. Mulch is being applied all over town. Busy time for the landscape folks.

Remember you should get outside 30 minutes every day.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday May 1, 2016

Log time: 1725

May Day 2016, the day commies celebrate.

Today was an easy day.

We returned to our normal routine. We were in the pool at 0800 and I got the last lane.

We both swam 20 laps.

Since Fresh Tyme and Trader Joe's has opened our shopping list at Meijer's gets smaller and smaller.

Gas today was $2.34. I don't know if this is permanent or a result of a refinery being off line.

Today was a dark gloomy day. Drizzle in the morning with high temp of 52.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. She also prepared fresh fruit.

Watched the morning news and read the funny papers before taking my afternoon nap.

Speaking of funny papers when I was at the Cascade Library yesterday I noted a section on Adult Comic books. I loved comic book growing up.

Ms P has been a little under the weather since we have been back. I was going to take her on a short walk but she wanted her normal 1.25 mile walk.

I am sitting in our living room writing this blog and drinking a glass of wine. I can't wait until I can sit on our deck.

Nancy is fixing soup and burgers for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some streaming TV before turning in.

Right now we are watching Bosch on Amazon and Janet King on Acorn. We should finish both series in a couple of days.

All our recent rain has turn the landscape green, green, green. Green is good.