Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday February 29, 2016

Log time: 1920:

I will not write this days blog for another four years. Happy Leap Year!

The temperature this morning was a mild 30 but winds were 30 mph making the walk to the Y uncomfortable.

I did the normal routine at the Y. Had my coffee and banana at Panera. The WSJ had articles on Super Tuesday, the Academy Awaards, and the effects of lead on the body.

I watched an interesting interview with Warren Buffet on CNBC. He made some interesting comments. Warren thinks Sanders would be wrong but likes Hillary. I agree with most of what Mr. Buffet says.

I got home at noon so we could finalize our plans for the trip to Ireland. Talked to our travel agent and agreed with the schedule she proposed. We are heading to Ireland on April 17. April 17 is also the birthday of Grand Daughter Alessandra.

I took Ms P on her walk before eating lunch. I ran several errands this afternoon. Stopped by Village Bike Shop to see what they had to offer, not much. At Ace Harware I bought a 1"x 8" x 8' pine board. I am going to make holder for the mineral block I set out for the deer. Speaking about deer, Nancy looked out the back window after dinner tonight and saw eight deer. They are herding and looking for food.

I took a short nap before dinner. It is now 2000 and we are watching Damages on Netflix. At 2100 we will watch Major Crimes on TNT.

Big Snow coming tomorrow. March will come in like a Lion!

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