Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tuesday February 2, 2016

It is now 1730:

I no longer call this writing a blog, it is a log of the day's activities. A log is easier to write.

Swim day for Bob and Nancy. Nancy is out of the house at 0730.

Temperature was in high 20s when left for Y. Sidewalks were bare making walking easy.

As usual calisthenics followed by the swim. Swam 1,000 yards.

All eight lanes of the pool were full, but I did not have to wait.

Water aerobics classes are very popular, especially among all the old folks.

Panera was crowded this morning. They have trouble keeping up with coffee demand.

Light roast and hazelnut are the most popular.

I keep running into folks I know from my engineering days at Panera.

Speaking of old co workers, I signed up for LinkedIn but really don't know how to use it.

I Goggled a fellow Navy officer from Vietnam and he came up on LinkedIn.

I contacted him and he replied. Mike retired from the Navy after 30 years. He retired as a Captain. He lives in DC area.

I remember that Mike was a Stanford grad and his birthday is February 29 which will make him 76 this year.

The Iowa election dominated the WSJ.

As a result of yesterday's vote we might have: Our first woman, first person of Jewish faith or first Latino for a President.

Isn't America Great!

Rain is expected around 1500 so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. We walked 1.5 miles.

Sure enough at 1500 it started to rain.

Worked in office and then took a short nap.

After dinner will read the GRP, watch the news and NCIS. End the evening with an hour netflix show.

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