Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday February 9, 2016

Log on: 1745

Winter returns, temp in mid 20s this morning with high winds.

Today is swim day at MVP for Nancy so she heads out at 0700. I have decided not to swim on days I do calisthenics. Too much strain on shoulders.

Bundled up but had to walk into the wind so it was uncomfortable.

Tuesday and the Y was not crowded. Most folks must follow a MWF routine.

Calisthenics followed by a 1.6 mile run. Sound familiar? Boring?

The walk to Panera not too bad because had wind at my back.

Plenty of news on the NH primary. I did not read. I will know the true story tomorrow morning.

Syrian and Russian offensive on Aleppo is creating a big humanitarian crisis. I would like to see Assad defeated but how to accomplish this is something I don't know. Do you think Ted Cruz knows? Fat chance.

On my way home from Panera I stopped at Macatawa Bank to cash a check.

Before taking Ms P on her walk I put on her coat. She does not like it and I don't know if it provides any warmth.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and ran some errands. First stop Chow Hound to buy a mineral block for the deer. Next I stopped at Costco to replenish our wine, peanut butter and cheese supply.

I put out the mineral block and more corn for the deer. This morning we had three deer eating the corn.

Took a short nap and then headed downstairs. Tried to download a single photo from the iPhone to Nancy's iMac with no luck.

Nancy is fixing roasted veggies for dinner. Today we got a paper copy of the GRP so I will read this evening. We will also watch NCIS and netflix.

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