Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday February 14, 2016

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Happy Valentine's Day: In grade school we exchanged Valentine cards. I always wanted a big one from the cute little redhead. Never happened.

Valentine Day 1964 Vietnam: Five single Navy officers in my outfit. We each got a card from Mom. No cards from single girls in the USA. Way to go MOM!

This morning was the coldest of the winter, 1 degree with WC at -10. Swim day for Bob and Nancy, we each swam 1,000 yards. The Y keeps the lap pool at 80. Nancy thinks it is too warm but it is perfect for me.

Gas at Meijer's was $1.54. Weekly fillups have been less than $20 for the last month.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and sports page before taking my Sunday nap.

I always liked Justice Scalia. We were on the same wave length. I think the thing I liked most was his friendship with Justice Ginsburg who was his polar opposite. I wish other public officials would use this friendship as a template. We can disagree but still be nice. Buy your enemy a beer. It works wonders.

We really like our new 50" TV. This afternoon I finally got our Apple TV to work.

This morning we had two deer visit our mineral block. They also ate all the corn I set out. I never tire of watching wild animals.

Spent some time on the computer trying to find a cad system for my iPad. No luck so far.

Nancy is fixing meatloaf sandwiches for dinner. We will watch 60 Minutes and then netflix.

Nancy has an Amazon Prime account so last night she ordered me a leather holster for my iPhone. Free shipping is great.

AJ called us this afternoon. She wanted to wish us Happy Valentine. Nancy beams when she can talk to the grandkids.

The weather folks say our cold spell is over. Temps above freezing later in the week.

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