Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday February 3, 2016

1730, this is post #2,261

Heavy thunder storms rolled through last night. Yes, thunder storms in February!

We knew the storms were coming so we gave Ms P a pill. It worked.

Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up with the 0545 alarm.

Temperature was above freezing so no ice problems on my drive downtown.

Very small turnout this morning. Speaker owns a home health care company.

Bottom line don't get old or sick because home health care is expensive.

After BC I headed to the Y. Did my routine at 50%.

Had coffee and a chance to read WSJ at the Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

The Pols in Washington can not fund improvements to the air-traffic control system. Improvements are long overdue.

Feds are making a criminal probe into Flint water crisis. It is not criminal it is stupidity.

Speaking of Flint, Clinton and Sanders are having a debate in Flint. This is why folks don't like grand standing politicians.

The Zika virus is serious. Might impact summer games in Brazil?

Rain was predicted for early afternoon so I took Ms P on her walk as soon as I got home.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

I got a LinkedIn message saying Debbie has worked at Apple 7 years.

During lunch I watch CNBC for business news. Today folks were whining that the stock market was going down. Two hours later it rallied. Go figure!

Light dinner tonight and then some TV followed by netflix.

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