Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday February 12, 2016

Log time: 1919

The weather folks call it a Polar Vortex. What ever happened to an Alberta Clipper? Anyway it was a super cold morning with wind chills near zero. I really bundled up for my walk to the Y. I knew I would be walking into the wind so I covered my nose. I was still cold when I got to the Y.

I did the routine super fast in order to warm up. With wind at my back the walk to Panera was tolerable. However, I did take a tumble on an ice patch. No broken bones or bruises.

I get very confused when I read about Central Banks charging negative interest rates, or devaluating their currencies. The WSJ had several articles trying to explain these actions. They did a great job confusing me even more.

At home had quick lunch and then we all got in the Taurus and headed to Family Foods. Family Foods had a special on chicken breasts.

I took a nap this afternoon.

For dinner tonight we ate at Leo's. Leo's is 0.3 miles from the condo. We both had soup and a sandwich.

Nothing on TV tonight so it will be a Netflix evening.

The cold will continue through Sunday.

As a boy I would love this cold weather because it was great for playing hockey outdoors. In fact during my High School years I never played hockey indoors. Indoor hockey is for sissies.

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