Thursday, February 18, 2016

Thursday February 18, 2016

We had a nice clear night so the temp this morning was 9. I left all bundled up but in bright sunshine. Sunshine trumps everything.

Did normal routine at the Y. At Panera I was so bundled up that I had to shed several layers to be comfortable.

Should Apple provide the Feds with code to unlock iPhones? I think Apple is right. As soon as the Feds get their hands on the code the Chinese will have it within 24 hours.

I hope the polls are wrong when they say Sen Cruz is leading the GOP. In fact this afternoon I voted, absentee, in the MI GOP primary. I voted for the Ohio Gov.

Nancy took Ms P to the groomer today. She also is getting her teeth cleaned.

The groomer called about 1530 and told Nancy Ms P was ready. She headed out and I followed. I walked to Macatawa Bank to pay our annual safe deposit box fee. Stopped at Cascade Twp office to drop off our ballots. Next stopped at a Tailor shop to get some alterations done.

Took a short nap before dinner. Nancy fixed steak and ale pie from Trader's Joes for dinner tonight. It was very good.

Watched the news and read GRP before watching Big Bang Theory. It is now 2114 and we are watching a British Mystery on ACORN. Acorn is on Apple TV.

Single digit temperature this morning but tomorrow the high temperature will be 50. What a difference a day makes.

I got my 30 minutes in today. Is is especially important in winter to get outside every day.

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