Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thursday February 11, 2016

Logged in at 1615

The winter chill continues. Temps in mid teens with wind chills near zero. I really bundled up this morning. I was glad I brought a scarf to cover my nose. I was still red-nose Bobby when I arrived at the Y.

I did the standard routine and then headed out to Panera. I had the wind at my back so the walk was not bad.

The primaries are dominating the news. I really am not interested.

The stock market plunge seems to confuse all the experts. I really think maybe I should not read business news. What will be, will be! (what does that mean)

At home I got out my drill and made some alternations to the book case that our new TV rests on. I moved the cable box to a lower shelf. Every thing is back working ok.

Spent time in my office cleaning up and reading mail and back issues of National Geographic.

I am driving Nancy to her 1700 hair appointment. After we will head to Great Lakes Shipping for a prime rib sandwich.

It looks like a netflix evening. The cold will continue for the rest of the week. Single digits for Friday and Saturday nights.

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