Monday, February 8, 2016

Monday February 8, 2016

Monday at 1730:

I stayed up last night and watched the Super Bowl. I was surprised at how good Denver's defense was.

Slept in this morning. Today will be our last spring like day for awhile.

It was 30 and sunny when I left for the Y. The Y is still jammed on Monday mornings. I did my calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles.

The morning TV news and WSJ were all talking about how the GOP Governors running for president are finally beginning to assert themselves. About time. I want a candidate with experience.

We like the Kurds. Turkey our best ally in the Middle East does not. A real pickle for the USA.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a long walk. The temperature was in the mid 40s, sunny and with no wind. The snow is gone so we took our nature trip along the abandoned golf cart path. It was very pleasant.

The birds and deer have been hungry lately. I replenished their supplies.

I took a nap and then headed downstairs to clean my desk. I talked to my Dentist about my big appointment next week. Ordered Jeans from LL Bean. Paid bills.

Light dinner tonight and then we will watch the news. It looks like a netflix evening.

Lately in the evening I have been reading back issues of SI, Nat Geo and ENR. I don't think I will ever catch up.

My iPhone weather app said it will start snowing this evening and snow every day this week. Winter is back.

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