Saturday, February 20, 2016

Saturday February 20, 2016

Log in time: 2020 Saturday

Temp never got below 32 last night. It was sunny and warm when Nancy and I headed out at 0800 for Panera.

We had our usual oatmeal and bagels for breakfast. The wind was still very brisk. Walking home was nice because we had the wind at our back.

It was such a nice day that as soon as I got home I pumped up bike tires and headed out. I wanted to measure the miles to the Y on a route I planned on using every day. I had to buck a strong head wind on my ride to the Y. It was six miles.

I worked up a major sweat so I checked in at the Y and took a shower. After the Y I headed to Meijer's to mail a letter and decided to stay and get a coffee and read the WSJ. Apple is right, Trump is wrong, the stock market is confused and the Middle East is a mess. So much for the news.

I took Ms P on a walk and then had a quick lunch.

Spent the afternoon updating software on Kindle and iPhone.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked over to Leo's for dinner. I had clam chowder and two hot dogs. Nancy had toast. Leo's is 0.3 mile from home.

Not much on TV so we watched a show we recorded and then switched to Apple TV to watch Doc Martin. I love that show.

Our warm spell is over the temps tonight will drop to 30. No snow in sight for several days.

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