Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday February 7, 2016

Log time 1630

Super Bowl 50 Sunday: I guess you are old if you can remember the first one.

The alarm goes off at 0655 and we get ready for our Sunday swim.

The pool was crowded this morning but we each did get a lane.

Since Trader Joe's has opened we do not buy as many groceries on Sunday at Meijer's.

Gas today was $1.51. I still don't get why low oil prices are a drag on the economy. We save at least $20 per week from a year ago.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine on a waffle.

The weather folks said it will be raining at 1500 so I took Ms P on an early walk. We walked 1.5 miles.

The weather has been very mild lately. The temp was above freezing last night and the snow is almost 90% gone. Colder weather is coming later this week.

I don't think the warm weather in Jan and Feb is healthy. The real cold weather kills all sorts of bugs.

After the walk I read the funnies and then took my Sunday nap. Do young folks read the Sunday funnies?

After the nap I had a quick lunch and then headed downstairs to read my mail and write this log.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and soup for dinner tonight. We will watch the Super Bowl. I do not have a favorite.

Today several friends asked me to be their friend on Goggle+. What is Goggle+?

Think Spring!!!

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