Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday February 22, 2016

Log time 1930

Temp was 30 at 0815 when I got on my bike and pedaled to the Y. My new bike route to the Y is exactly 6 miles. The bike trails were clean and dry.

It appears more folks have abandoned their New Year's resolution because the Y was not very busy. I did the standard routine before heading to Panera.

WSJ spent a lot of time on the Presidental primaries. I continue to marvel at Trump's success. I would never have consider him a viable candidate. Just goes to show you how out of touch I am.

I keep reading about our efforts in Syria to defeat ISIS and contain Assad. Russia appears to be have the diplomatic upper hand. In other words they are eating our lunch.

At home Nancy wanted to go to Costco and Dick's Sporting Goods so we got in the Taurus and headed out. We bought wine, pickled herring, car floor mats and grapes. Nancy needs some swim fins so we checked out Dick's. No luck.

After a quick lunch I gathered up our tax data and headed to our accountant. The Accountant I have been using since 1983 sold his firm to a large tax preparation firm. I hope I still get personal service. Time will tell.

At home I took Ms P on her walk. Ended the afternoon with a short nap.

We live one block from one of the busiest streets in MI. Despite our proximity to traffic we have a lot of wild life. Yesterday Ms P and saw two muskrats swimming in a pond next to 28th. We also saw a hawk. I have been feeding two deer in our backyard. Nancy said I should quit putting out corn because they are attracting skunks. Deer I like but not a big fan of skunks. We have many geese and ducks in the ponds in our back yard.

Light dinner and then we watched the news. It is now 2030 and we are watching Major Crimes on TNT. Think Spring!

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