Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday February 24, 2016

Log created on Wed at 1740

It's Back! and with a vengeance. Winter Storm Warnings have been posted since yesterday.

Easy Wednesday so I planned breakfast at Panera and then walk to the Y for an easy swim.

Windy but no snow on my walk to Panera. I had their oatmeal and sourdough toast. I gave the oatmeal bad marks today.

The news in a nutshell: Trump wins Nevada, the military and President are in disagreement over Syrian strategy, folks over 40 can cut in line in Brazil, Saudi Arabia will continue max pumping and nobody agrees on what to do about Guantanamo.

It was snowing heavy when I left Panera at 0930. I got almost to the Y when I got a call on my phone saying my eyeglasses were ready. I turned around and headed home. Truth be told I really did not want to go swimming.

I tried on the eyeglasses and they were not correct. The Eye Doc will get me a new frame and lenses.

At home I started to take Ms P on her walk. She balked! Apparently she does not like to walk in a blizzard.

I ate lunch, did a load of laundry and took a nap this afternoon.

Nancy came home early from the Gardens today. They only had 4 visitors this afternoon.

I took out the trash and then ended the afternoon with a short walk.

We could not get any TV so I got out a broom and swept off the dish. It worked.

The snow is going to continue all night.

Light dinner tonight and then some TV. I am reading a good book so I hope to turn in early.

Nancy just called me and said I have to sweep the dish again. Think Spring!

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