Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday February 23, 2016

Log time: 1950

The weather folks say we are viewing a Snow Full Moon. The moon was bright and full when Ms P and I went out at 0700. It was purdy.

If folks don't get Spring Fever today they are dead. It was a perfect day. 30 degrees and sunny when I got on the bike and headed to the Y. At 1030 when I left the Y the temp was in the low 40s. Perfect.

Business at the new Panera seems to be picking up. The place was crowded this morning.

WSJ had several articles on the June vote in the UK on staying in the EU. Most folks, me included, think it would be a bad move to exit the EU.

I bypass all articles on the primaries. What will be will be. I am not on the average voter's wave length.

The stock market goes up and then down, yet everyone say the economy is fine.

Gas prices have been going up. Meijer's today had gas at $1.67. The world is appears to be swimming in oil.

Flint is not the only city in the US with lead problems. Most older cities used lead pipes from the water main in the street to the house. The house also had lead pipes. GR has a program for replacing the lead pipes. The city loans a home owner money to replace his lead pipes. The loan is paid off over several years by a small addition to the home owners water bill. Is the replacement of lead pipes in a home the citie's responsibility?

It was such a nice day when I got home that I took Ms P on a hour walk. I took her leash off when we reached the golf path. She spend 30 minutes running free.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and started errands. Stopped at the Chow Hound and bought a pooper scooper. At Ace I bought a LCD bulb that they say will last 23 years. I will be 100 when it burns out.

At the Apple Store I bought a cable so I can connect the TV in the basement.

Took a short nap and then walked around the block. I had my pedometer on and it is 1.25 miles around the block.

Nancy fixed a great beef stew for dinner. Super!

We watched NCIS and now are watching Poirot on Acorn.

Our nice weaather ends tonight. Storm warning are up and six inches of snow is predicted for tomorrow.

On a happier note today we had eleven hour of daylight.

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