Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday February 5, 2016

Friday @ 1630

First thing this morning I looked out the window and my corn pile was gone. The deer are sneaky because I looked out the window several time last night and saw no activity.

Finally we have sun. I enjoyed my walk to the Y in sunshine. The weather folks said that the lack of sunshine in Jan nearly set a record.

Did the calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles.

It was snowing and dark and gloomy when I left the Y. Bummer!

I was hungry when I got to Panera so in addition to coffee I got a banana.

Hillary Clinton's dealings with Wall Street are beginning to haunt her.

Donald Trump no longer seems to dominate the news. That is good news.

The Syrians and Russians are on the offensive creating another hostage crisis. I think the Russians might regret their disregard for Turkey. Turkey can be a formidable foe.

Bill in Congress would require young women to register for draft. I have really mixed feeling about this!

My new sports glasses are not working right. I called the eye doc and will go in this afternoon.

Like yesterday I stopped at Macatawa Bank on my way home. I needed a bunch of $2 bills. Periodically I send a bill to the Grandkids. I really don't know why the $2 bill is not more popular?

Kim cleaned this morning and the house looks nice.

After a quick lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed downtown. The eye doc agreed my sports glasses were not right. They will correct the problem.

At home took Ms P on her walk. I filled the bird feeder and put out more corn for the deer.

We are having dinner tonight at Vitales in Ada.

Nothing on TV tonight so I looks like a netflix evening.

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