Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday March 1, 2016

Log time: 1718

Boy did March come in like a lion. It started snowing early this morning and it is still snowing at 1718.

The storm is coming out of the East. My Dad always said our worst storms come out of the East. It looks like he was right.

My first time in GR was in early March 1965. My Dad and I drove down from Alpena in a driving snow storm. This storm was also out of the East. We were attending a meeting of County Road Commissions. We stayed at the old Pantlind. I thought the Backroom Saloon was great, especially throwing peanut shells on the floor. Great hamburgs.

Today I put on my Costco snow pants and snow boots and headed out into the snow and 20 mph wind. First time this year that I had the wind at my back on the walk to the Y. We seem to be having many days with winds over 15 mph. Is this because of El Nino or climate change?

Despite the weather the Y was crowded. I did the standard routine. My walk to Panera was into the wind and not pleasant. Temps in the low 20s and none of the sidewalks were plowed. I had to plow through about 5" in snow.

Donald Trump is sure upsetting the GOP elites. The WSJ savaged him today in an opinion piece. The results of today's primaries will be interesting.

Other news of interest: Apple won its case in NY. Malaysian leader is under fire because a billion dollars was put in his personal account. The FCC's decision on "Net Neutrality is under attack. I really don't know what net neutrality is? Free speech in China is taking a hit.

The birds are really hungry, I filled the feeder twice today. I shoveled our courtyard walk twice so far today. Tahoe Drive still has not been plowed. We bought a condo so we did not have to shovel snow. The condo association still has not plowed our drive or the private roads in the neighborhood.

Snow is suppose to end about 2200 tonight. Attendance at Breakfast Club tomorrow is not a sure thing.

Think Spring!

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