Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday March 11, 2016

Log time: 1915

The temp briefly reached 32 but did not stay long. I got on my bike in bright sunshine and headed to the Y for my daily exercise routine.

The European Central Bank's action has created a lot of news. I really don't understand the European economy.

Political movements like that of Donald Trump are not unique to the USA. Far right parties are gaining strength in Germany, France, Poland and several other EU countries. These folks are anti-immigration, anti-free trade and anti-EU.

I am a dedicated free trader. I certainly would not get many votes.

I am also pro immigration. I think we always needed new blood.

Nancy was running errands when I got home. I took Ms P on a short walk.

After lunch I headed downstairs and did some banking. I changed to bank where my Social Security check is deposited and where my credit card is paid. I did it all on-line.

It was such a nice day that Nancy and I took a walk around the block.

I finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed a chicken with apples dish. It was great.

Not much on TV tonight so it looks like a netflix evening.

Weather folks say tomorrow will be another nice day. Rain is predicted for most of nest week.

St Patrick's Day is next Thursday. Tomorrow night Nancy and I are going to an Irish music and Celtic dancing concert.

Did you know that my Great Grandfather Sanborn was born on St Patrick's Day in 1856.

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