Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday March 10, 2016

Log time: 2020

Sure sign Spring is here, I saw four Robins. We had another mild day.

Rode my backup bike, Bianchi, to the Y. After climbing several hills I decided I miss my Bad Boy.

Y was not very busy today. Most folks must be MWF types.

I have always been a believer in free trade. It looks like both parties are against free trade. Am I out of touch or what.

Is the EU about to implode?

We sign a nuclear deal with Iran and they start testing missiles with " Death to Israel" written on its side. Nice guys!

At home we all take a 1.5 mile walk.

After lunch I drive to the Ada Bike Shop to pick up my Bad Boy. Next stop Meijer's to pick up prescription.

I spent some time establishing a Social Security account.

Short nap and then Nancy and I head out to Shepard's Grill for dinner. Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had a perch sandwich.

We are watching the Big Ten BB tournament. UM won and it looks like OSU will beat Penn State.

Finish the evening watching a netflix show.

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