Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday March 4, 2016

Log time: 2040

Today March 4 is my mother's birthday. She was born on this date in 1907. Many happy memories. Every year I call my sister, Helen on Mom's birthday. She knew immediately the reason for my call.

The days are getting longer, 11h30'. I left home at 0800 into bright sunshine. It was 9 degrees probably our last single digit degree day this winter. Actually most weather folks think winter ended on March 1.

When I left the Y the temp had risen to 32. The March sun has some warmth to it.

Panera is still having trouble controlling the heat. It was extremely warm today. Actually I shouldn't complain because I like warm restaurants. Politics still dominates the news.

Kim cleaned the condo today. Ms P is attached to her so I had some difficulty getting her to go on a walk. After much pulling and tugging we completed our daily 1.25 mile walk.

At 1330 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed downtown. First stop was the eye doctors to pick up my new sports glasses. We left the Taurus in the Doc's parking garage and walked to the Home and Garden show. We are looking at getting guartz counter tops in our kitchen. We stopped at several vendors and listened to their sales pitch.

We spent about two hours at the show. "Reserve" is a wine bar downtown. We stopped and had a glass of wine and shared a cheese platter. It was all very good.

Nancy fixed me fried eggs for dinner tonight. Nothing on TV so we watched Rake and Doc Marten on Netflix.

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