Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday March 30, 2016

Log time; 1940:

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and take Ms P out, empty the dishwasher and then head out to BC. Today's Speaker was the Chairman of the Kent County Commission. We had a good turnout and the speaker gave a good talk. Kent County is very well run organization. They are one of two government units in the state with a AAA bond rating.

The Speaker grew up in Nebraska and got his undergraduate degree from Nebraska. I asked him if he heard of Bob Devaney the Nebraska football coach from 1962 to 1972. He said yes and I told him that Devaney was my high school coach at Alpena HS. The Speaker said he knew Devaney's assistant Jim Ross. Jim Ross was my PE teacher in grade school. Jim Ross's wife was my senior HS English teacher.

After BC I drove to our tax accountant and dropped off the last of the needed forms. Had a quick coffee at Starbucks and then headed to the Y for a swim. I swam 30 minutes. Swimming is much more enjoyable when it is the only upper body exercise for the day.

I have found a red wine I like. Stopped at Meijer's and bought six bottles. Meijer's gives a 10% reduction if you buy six or more bottles.

Nancy worked at the Garden's this afternoon. I took Ms P on a walk before lunch. Took a quick nap after lunch.

The birds have been on a feeding frenzy lately. I made a trip to Ace Hardware to get another bag of bird seed. This is my last purchase of bird seed for the season.

I have Spring Fever. Swept out the garage, moved the deck umbrella from the garage to the deck. Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

Sure sign Spring is here:

Birds chirping in the morning.

Lawn maintenance trucks running around the neighborhood.

Small sports cars coming out of storage.

Longer days so I can take a walk after dinner.

And soon it will warm up.

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