Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sunday March 20, 2016

Log in time: Sunday 1717

Weekend Update:

Saturday March 19, 2016: In keeping with our new schedule Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We wore warm coats because the temp was in the mid 20s with high wind. We saw some neighbors who just got back from Fl.

As soon as we got home I took Ms P on her walk. I spent some time reading the morning paper and then bundled up and took a bike ride. Today I took the Thornapple/Buttrick/36th/Cascade route because it was shorter than the Ada Dr route. This was the first time this year and I forgot about two major hills. I was exhausted when I got home.

At 1745 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Cascade Roadhouse for dinner. This restaurant has been open only since March 1. We met the Namey's. The place was very crowded. The food was very good and we all agreed that we would try it again.

After dinner we all came back to the Condo for dessert. Nancy fixed a fresh fruit dish with some great pastries.

Sunday March 20: This is the official first day of Spring. It is also Palm Sunday.

Sunday is also swim day at the Y. Nancy swam her 23 laps and I did 20.

Gas today was $2.06 at Meijer's. We bought yogurt, bananas, apples, crackers and dog food.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. She also cooked up some bacon. I love bacon.

We watched several morning news shows and read the GRP. I did take my Sunday nap.

I took Ms P on her afternoon walk. After the walk I got in the Cobalt and headed to Ace Hardware and bought a 20# bag of bird seed. Are Robins carnivores because I never see them at the bird feeder?

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner tonight. Love beans and rice.

I switched from drinking beer to red wine. Read several articles lately that most men should limit their wine intake to 1.5 glasses per day. How big is a glass? At Cascade Roadhouse a glass is 6 oz. The Namey's agreed that a glass is 6oz. That means I can drink 9 oz per day.

The first day of Spring has been sunny and mild. The temperature now is 45. 45 is very pleasant.

I got my 30 minutes in today, did you?

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