Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday March 15, 2016

Log time: 2020

March 15: Do you think anyone told Donald Trump to Beware of the Ides of March?

A heavy fog blanketed GR this morning. I had to turn my bike lights on and make sure drivers could see me.

Today I am writing blog number 2,300.

I am still trying to run a 10' mile. No luck, fastest time this year, 10'09".

The mild weather continues. Mid 40s this morning with high of 57 in the PM.

The papers were all about today's primaries. I hope my man Gov Kasich wins Ohio.

Brazil's political corruption scandal is serious. I hope it does not impact the Olympics.

As soon as I got home we all took our 1.25 mile walk. It is becoming a daily ritual.

After lunch I started running errands.

Stopped at Cascade Twp to report the street light across the street was burned out. Also got some yard waste tabs.

Bought gym shorts at Gazelle, a metal marker at Home Depot, wine and prunes at Costco and finally envelopes at Staples.

Took a short nap before dinner. Nancy fixed butternut squash soup and the chicken and apples dish. Very good.

It is now 2100 and we just finished watching NCIS.

Rizzoli and Isles on TNT is next.

Think Spring!

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