Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday March 18, 2016

It froze last night and spitting snow when I left this morning for the Y. Luckily no wind this morning so the bike ride was pleasant.

Every day I pass a large field that usually has some wild fowl feeding. This morning I saw about 20 wild turkeys feeding in the field.

The Y was crowded this morning. The Fed and ECB are playing all sorts of games with the money supply but the stock markets are not paying attention. We are finally above water for the year.

I don't agree with the President very often but I like his Cuban policy.

Who am I going vote for? I believe in free trade and immigration. None of the candidates agree with me.

Kim cleaned the house today. Just in time because tomorrow the Namey's are coming over after we have dinner at the Cascade Road House.

We ran some errands before lunch including a trip to Costco. The place was jammed.

After lunch Ms P and I took a long walk. I finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed wild salmon for dinner tonight. We also had a sweet potato and asparagus. It was good.

Since the time change every evening I have been taking a walk around the block.

We watched some BB and then Doc Martin and Poirot.

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