Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday March 9, 2016

Log time 1939

Easy Wednesday: We had a light rain last night. It stopped about 0700.

Nancy's email crashed last night. She talked to Apple and sbcglobal last night with no luck.

I emailed my computer guru last night at 2230. He replied at 0030 that he would call in the morning.

I rode my bike to Panera for breakfast this morning. I had oatmeal, read the WSJ and waited for a call from the guru. Nothing in the WSJ that I want to comment on. Got a call about 1000 and we talked about the problem.

I headed home and Nancy and I headed downstairs with all her Apple products. Ken, the guru, checked out our problems and fixed it. We did have to change Nancy's passwords, The email seems to be working fine now. I am glad that I have a guru to call. It is worth the money.

I took Ms P on her daily walk before lunch.

After lunch I loaded my bad boy bike on the rack and headed to Ada Bike. I am having the steel studded snow tires changed to the regular tires. They will also do a check up.

At home I did a load of laundry and took a short nap. After the nap I headed out to the garage and got my Bianchi bike down. This was my main bike before I bought bad boy. It was originally a single speed but I added an eight speed internal hub. I pumped up the tires and took it for a spin.

Tonight Nancy has her book club. I met Ed Namey at Uccello's for dinner. Ed just got back from two months in Florida. We had a good meal and talk.

Nancy has a 1930 appointment at the Apple Store. She wants answers to her email crash.

It is now 2000 and I am waiting for Nancy to get home so we can have our nightly cheese. We will watch the Mysteries of Laura and then Netflix. The Mysteries are not on.

Nancy just got back from the Apple Store. They said our problem is typical for sbc users.

The mild weather will continue for another week.

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