Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday March 17, 2016

Log time 2040:

The high winds continue. Wind speed was 20 mph when I left this morning. I am getting tired of pedaling into the wind.

Usual routine at the Y. Liked the ride to Panera with the wind at my back.

I get confused by the actions of the Fed. They do nothing and the stock market goes up.

Will we ever get a WASP on the Supreme Court?

In 2007 I drove through Gillette, Wy and saw the huge coal pit being developed by Peabody Coal. I was impressed and glad I owned stock in Peabody. At the advice of my broker I reluctantly sold the stock around 2012. Today I read that Peabody is thinking bankruptcy.

First thing I did when I got home was take Ms P on her walk. Nancy did not go because she had an eye doctor appointment. The wind was fierce but did not seem to bother Ms P.

After lunch I walked over to Macatawa Bank to get some money for Kim. She is coming to clean tomorrow.

I took a short nap. For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for a prime rib sandwich.

At 1900 I took a walk around the block. The wind had mellowed. It was 8 mph.

It is now 2120 and we are watching Happy Valley on netflix.

Today is St Patrick's Day. My Great Grandfather Sanborn was born on this date in 1856.

On St Pat's Day in 1956 I was a senior in high school. My friend Jerry Kendziorski invited about five friends over to his house to play some cards. His mother gave us green beer. First time an adult had given me beer. We also had baloney sandwiches. Green baloney and green bread. A St Pat's day I always remember.

It is now 2130 and I am sitting in the den watching BB and writing this blog. I am also sipping some Red Breast Irish whiskey. The whiskey was recommended by my high school classmate, Bill Foster. He was also at the 1956 party.

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