Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday March 21, 2016

Log time: 1745

It was cold, mid 20s, but sunny when I got on my bike and headed to the Y.

The Y was very crowded but I think the staff is finally getting the hang of running the new facility.

This morning I was running about 30 minutes late. When I got to Panera about 1115 the early lunch crowd was arriving. I had to wait for my coffee and banana.

Not much in the news today. I did read about the President in Cuba. I approve the President's efforts.

I always read about problems in Brazil. I find the country very interesting. Maybe I should put a visit on my bucket list.

I also enjoy reading about Angela Merkel. I just finish reading the Time article when she was selected to be their Person of the Year. Very interesting. We need a person of her caliber in US politics.

At home we all took a 1.25 mile walk. I had lunch and listened to CNBC's report on the announcements by Apple on their new products. I am going to buy the smaller phone. The big phone has a nice camera and is easy to read but a hassle to carry around.

After lunch I got on my bike and rans some errands. Stopped at Meijer's and Gander Mountain but did not buy anything. Last year they built sidewalks all along 28th ST. I can now get to most shopping venues without riding in the street.

I have been out twice to check on the mail and both times the box was empty. Today is a first, no mail.

I will take a short walk this evening after dinner. The longer days make the walk possible.

Not much on TV so I looks like a netflix or Acorn evening.

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