Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday March 25, 2016

Log time: 2054

The cold is not getting any better. I slept in until almost 0830. Did some calisthenics at home, showered and then walked over to Panera for coffee. I had time to read the WSJ but found nothing I want to comment on.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk.

Quick lunch and then I took a nap. I slept sound for about two hours. Must be my body fighting the cold.

Big day for purchases from Apple for Bob and Nancy. I bought an Apple watch and the new small iPhone. Nancy bought an Apple Watch.

We had pizza at JT's tonight. JT's has great pizza and according to my Apple Watch is 0.8 mile from the condo.

After pizza we headed to the Apple Store in Woodland Mall. I picked up my new watch and was given a brief introduction. Nancy's watch will be available next week.

Debbie called and wanted to know if the Apple Watch was working ok. I said I was still in the learning process.

Today is Good Friday. The stock market was closed but we still got mail.

I remember as a youth that the stores in Alpena would close between noon and 3 PM on Good Friday so folks could to church.

In the 40s and 50s we did not have a long Spring Break. Spring Break consisted of having Good Friday and Easter Monday off. That was our spring break.

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