Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday November 4, 2015

The great weather continues. The temperature today reached the mid 70s with blue skies. Today's temp is about 15 degrees above normal. Our peak fall colors have passed. The recent winds have left many trees bare of leaves. Wednesday is my easy day. I got on the bike and pedaled to Breton Village for breakfast at the Omelette Shop. I had their oatmeal and gave it a C. Read the WSJ but can not recall any thing I would comment on. I got home about 1130 and immediately took Ms P on her walk. At 1215 we got in the Taurus and headed to Holland. Nancy is going to pick up her necklace. Nancy tried the necklace on and determined some adjustments had to be made. The adjustments would take an hour so we walked around downtown Holland. Holland has done a great job fixing up their downtown. It is pedestrian friendly and has many nice small stores. Nancy checked the adjustment and declared it perfect. As soon as we got home I did some chores including taking out the trash. Had a quick lunch and then took a nap. Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block. We had a light dinner and watched some TV. Nancy headed to bed early and now I am watching Sons of Anarchy on netflix. On November 4, 1955 the Alpena High Wildcats football team played Bay City Handy in Bay City. Even after 60 years I remember the game. AHS won but the best thing I remember was that my Uncle Harold and Aunt Helen Woodley drove over from Alma to the game. Family was important.

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