Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving Day 2015: It was unseasonably warm this morning with temperature in the 50s. I was going to walk to Starbucks for coffee but it started to rain so I took the Cobalt. I did stop to get gas because it was $1.84. Starbucks was very crowded. No WSJ today so I read Apple News on my ipad. It is a very good app. I was surprised when Jennifer Dougherty walked in. She and Phil had just finished running the annual "Turkey Trot" and were stopping at Starbucks for a hot drink. We had a nice talk. Jennifer was one of my favorite employees. Her husband Phil is my favorite electrician. We had a brief respite from rain so I took Ms P on her walk. I dropped her off and then continued walking for another two miles. At 1400 Nancy and I headed to the Namey's for Thanksgiving Dinner. Tim Mask was also invited. Ed and Mary are great hosts. We had all the traditional dishes, turkey, dressing, squash, mashed potatoes, and salad. Of course we had pumpkin pie for dessert. We had a great afternoon. Steve and family spent Thanksgiving week in AZ. They had their Thanksgiving dinner in Sierra Vista. Missy and AJ spent Thanksgiving with friends in Las Vegas. I called Debbie with no luck so I am assuming she is with friends. Around the mid 90s Nancy was still teaching so for Thanksgiving we took a special a long weekend in an European City. First we visited Paris followed in order, London, Berlin and finally Rome. We also spent a Thanksgiving, 2012, in Vietnam.

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