Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday November 10, 2015

I faced a light sprinkle when Ms P and I went out this morning. The weather folks said no more rain today so I believed them. They were right. After breakfast got out my trusty bike and headed to the Y. I took a shorter route today. The trees are nearly bare so I am surprised what I can now see. I see a lot of beautiful homes that I could not see with full foliage. The Y parking lot was crowded this morning. I did my calisthenics, showered and then headed to Panera. The WSJ had an article on the first city in the USA that has a city council with a Muslim majority. I was surprised because that city is Hamtramck, MI. Hamtramck for years was known for its large Polish population. In fact Hamtramck used to play Alpena in football mainly because Alpena also had a large Polish population. We had a home and home arrangement. 250 miles separate Hamtramck from Alpena so when we played at Hamtramck we got to stay in a hotel. For most players from Alpena it was their first time in an hotel. A highlight of the trip was when the bus stopped in front of the huge Hudson's Department Store in downtown Detroit. We were allowed to ride the moving stairs, escalator. I have owned a number of cars with a stick shift. The WSJ reported that it is almost impossible to get a stick shift. Time marches on. I got home a 1200 and Nancy was right behind me. We immediately headed out to Costco. We stocked up on wine, kleenex, cheese, eggs and Nancy's medicine. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. Next job was to run errands. Stopped a Sheldon Cleaners to pick up my laundry. Headed to Woodland Mall, I needed a big UK map for the family history project. Barnes and Noble had a great map. Also stopped at Sears looking for lined pants, they did not have any. J Crew had a pair but $120 was a bit steep. Took a short nap and then a walk around the block. For dinner had Trader Joe's Buttered Chicken. Watched the news and then NCIS. Early to bed because tomorrow is Breakfast Club.

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