Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday November 18, 2015

Today is my easy Wednesday. Rain was predicted but my handy-dandy weather app said that I about 45 minutes before it starts. So I decided to walk 45 minutes before breakfast. Fat chance, it started to rain 10 minutes into the walk. I hightailed it to Panera and had a bowl of oatmeal and read all about the attack in Paris. Are Russia, US and the EU countries getting together to combat ISIS in Syria? After breakfast I walked home and started doing some chores. I did a load of laundry, cleaned up my in basket before having a quick lunch. At 1330 I got in the Cobalt and headed to Dr Yurko’s office for a 6 month checkup. She found a spot on my cheek and took a sample for testing. On my way home I stopped at Breton Village. Three stores in the mall sent me coupons worth $25. So I stopped at Fitzgerald’s, Jos Banks and Orvis. I bought a vest at the Orvis. I got home and realized that I forgot to stop at the bank. I wanted Ms P to go with me but she refused. Nancy had to work at the Garden’s this afternoon. She and I got home at the same time. It was sprinkling when I put the leash on Ms P. We got half way up the hill and she wanted to go home. I put on some rain pants and went on a 2 miles walk. We had a light dinner and it is now 1920 and we are watching PBS news. At 2000 we will watch the “Mysteries of Laura” and at 2100 a netflix show. Today was a warm gloomy day. Street lights went on a 1600. The temperature reached 61 but the temperature will drop tomorrow. Snow is predicted for Saturday. Stay tuned!

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