Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday November 16, 2015

Monday at 1745: The second day of deer season and still no tracking snow. Bummer! In keeping with my new program I get up when my body says it is time. This morning the time was 0720. After breakfast I got on the bike and took my 6 mile route to the Y. It was a beautiful fall morning. Sunshine and morning temps in the low 50s. After the morning calisthenics and a shower I headed to Panera. This morning the Paris attack dominated the news. I got home at 1215. Changed clothes and took Ms P on her daily walk. The temperature at 1300 was 64. After lunch we all got in the Taurus and headed to Pet Smart. Nancy had to buy some joint meds for Ms P. Next stop was Costco. We each bought some clothes. Nancy bought a sweater and I bought a long sleeve tee and snow pants. Also picked up some photos. We stopped at Aldi’s to look at their dark chocolate. The Namey’s said the 85% coca was low in sugar. I found it too high. Nancy dropped me and Ms P off and she headed to the Dollar Store to buy some photo frames. I headed down to my office to make some calls. I have the Security firm stopping by tomorrow to check out a low battery alarm. Our auto insurance has increased over $100 in the past 6 months so I called and asked for an explanation. I tried on a 40 year old suit. It fits me well and although it is 3 button it still looks ok. I am glad I saved these clothes. I sent a $2 bill to each grandkid. I mailed the letters on my walk. I emailed 23&me and they are going to send a sample kit to Lucas. The original kit was lost in the flood. We are having a light dinner and then will watch some TV before turning in.

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