Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday November 23, 2015

It was cold last night, 23. We have been sleeping with the slider open. I am glad we have an electric blanket. Sunrise today was at 0745. I don’t like to ride my bike in the dark so I waited until 0800 before heading to the Y. The bike trail was 90% clear but the 10% was snow covered and icy. I was surprised that the Y was not very crowded today. I did my calisthenics, showered and was out the door in 35 minutes. As usual I had my coffee at Panera. The Paris attack still got a lot of space today but business and politics are moving back into prominence. I really have a problem with the Pfizer/Allergan merger. If the merger takes place the new corporate office will be in Ireland. Why can’t the clowns in DC just change the corporate tax code. Pfizer bought out a great Michigan firm, Parke-Davis. Parke-Davis was located in Kalamazoo and was a great corporate citizen, providing great jobs and support for the local area. I am of the opinion that bigness is bad be it government or business. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. It was still in the 20s so we did not dilly-dally. After lunch I took my studded tires to the Ada Bike shop to see if I should use them this year. The tires have some sidewall damage. After talking with the mechanic I ordered a new set and will have them put on next week. We have some warm weather coming this week so I won’t need the studs until the end of next week. Next Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought wine, cheese, sandwich rolls and grapes. Costco was jammed today. Our last stop was Aldi’s so Nancy could buy some cheese. I ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. It is now 1754 and I am ending this blog. Remember no matter what the weather you must get 30 minutes outside every day. I got mine, did you get yours?

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