Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thursday November 5, 2015

The great weather continues. We had another November day with temperature above 70. I have not figured out how to dress for this weather. I took off two layers this morning but still was dripping wet when I got to the Y. I did the calisthenics at the Y, showered and headed to Panera. The GOP folks have been talking about anchor babies and how folks are gaming the system to get US citizenship. Today’s WSJ had an article about wealthy Chinese coming to Costa Mesa, Ca to have their babies. The Women arrive on tourist visas and return after the birth to China. The babies have dual citizenship. During their stay in Costa Mesa the women spend lots and lots of money. It is all legal. After Panera I took Ms P on her walk. We did the nature trail. I spent a lot of time in the office paying bills and reviewing family history. I was surprised at how much data I have. I also upgraded Nancy’s iMac's operating system. It took over two hours. For dinner we headed to Russ’s. Nancy had split pea soup and I had their Hot Turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. This evening we read the GRP and watched Big Bang and then Tuesday’s NCIS that Nancy recorded. Nancy also spent some time this evening talking with Missy. Despite our warm weather, folks are getting ready for winter. Cascade Township crews have been out putting stakes on the edge of the bike path so the snow plows do not rip up lawns. We are also getting a lot of Christmas catalogs. Today we got LL Bean’s.

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