Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tuesday November 3, 2015

Tuesday morning and another warm sunny day is on tap. Quick breakfast and then biked to the Y. It is 9 miles from the condo to the Y on my preferred bike route. The Y was not very crowded. I did my calisthenics, showered and headed to Panera. Even thought I took off my jacket it had warmed up so much that I broke out in a sweat. I don’t know much about Common Core. Missy sent us a sample math problems that AJ had to performs. I thought it was a silly way to solve problems. Since my initial reaction I am having second thoughts. I actually use the same procedure outlined for AJ when I mentally solve problems. Maybe I was too hasty. Anyway the WSJ had an article on the problems school districts are having starting Common Core. It requires special training and computers. Common Core is expensive to get started so some school districts decline to use it. Another story caught my eye. The death rate for Middle-Aged Whites is rising. Suicide, Alcohol abuse and drug over doses are apparently rampart among the 45-55 age group. I have a hard time believing this because I think I was my most productive during this age period. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. I had a quick lunch and then headed downstairs to dig out some old family photos to send to my Grandson. We have a new printer and I found that I can scan old photos to my email address. Isn’t tech fun! I am waiting for Phil Dougherty, our electrician, to stop by. We are having problems with a fan in the master bath. I also want to know if it is possible to put a heat lamp in the downstairs bath. Phil looked at the master bath fan and ordered a new one. He also talked me out of a heat lamp. Phil is a great guy and electrician. Tonight Nancy and I are going to a condo association dinner. It is at Noto’s about 0.3 miles from the condo. Sonya our next door neighbor is riding with us. Stay tuned. Wednesday at 1945: About 30 folks attended the dinner last night. The food was very good and it is always nice to talk to neighbors. We got home about 2030 and watched a show on netflix.

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