Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday November 6, 2015

What a difference a day makes, it was dark and gloomy this morning with high winds and temperature dropping all day. It rained last night but had stopped when I headed to the Y. I had to buck a 20 mph wind but I had a tail wind going home. I now do all my calisthenics at the Y. After showering I got back on the bike and headed to Panera. Everyone has an opinion what caused the Russian plane to crash in Egypt. I think a lot of the speculation is premature. I disagree with the President’s veto of the Keystone pipe line. However, I am for the Trade Agreement with Asian countries. I really get mad at GOP legislators in DC and MI. We all know money is needed for roads. The gas tax is a utility fee. Why not pay for roads by just raising this tax. No the GOP creates complicated funding using smoke and mirrors. As soon as I got home at 1230 I took Ms P on her walk. Had a quick lunch and then headed downstairs. I spent most of the afternoon going through all my family files. It was fun looking at all the photos that my Dad had taken over the years. Nancy and Kathi Kothe are attending a pre Christmas Sale at Meijer Gardens this evening. The sale is only open to members. Tomorrow the sale is open to the public. Nancy and Mary Namey are working at the sale tomorrow. For dinner tonight I walked over to Panera and had a bowl of clam chowder and a tuna sandwich. It is now 1925 and I am watching TV and writing this blog.

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