Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday November 9, 2015

When I walked out with Ms P this morning it looked like we had a clear sunny day ahead of us. It was very cold when I got on the bike, mid 20s. I thought I was properly dressed but my hands got very cold, even though I wore mittens. Tomorrow if the temperature is still in the 20s I will get out my chopper mittens. TheY was crowded this morning. Most of the folks take classes. The members are all talking about moving to the new facility next month. When I left the Y the temperature has risen 20 degrees. No cold hands on the ride to Panera. I passed the new Panera and saw that they were paving the parking lot. Maybe they will make their mid January opening. Read the WSJ articles about the dam break in Brazil. It sure looks like bad maintenance. Is failure to maintain criminal? Nancy had lunch with her gift shop buddies today. I took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk before lunch. I spent about two hours looking through the family history of the Sanborn clan. I found a family member who fought in the Revolutionary War. Also another spent of time in a Confederate POW camp during the Civil War. At 1500 Ms P and I got in the Taurus and headed to the Vet. The Vet gave Ms P a clean bill of health. I took a short nap and then walked around the block. We had a light dinner. Watched the news and then at 1915 I headed downstairs to read more Sanborn family history. The Sanborn's have kept good records. The Sanborn family was from England. I have the names of all the village's they lived in and hope I can talk Nancy into visiting them.

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