Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saturday November 21, 2015

Looked out the window this morning and all I saw was white, our first snow of the year. In fact it snowed most of the day. It stopped about 1700. I am writing this blog at 2033 while watching a netflix movie. I started the day by walking to Panera. I had their oatmeal and read the WSJ. It was snowing hard when I left Panera but I needed to get my 30 in so I took the long route home. My app said I had walked 3.75 miles. I spent some time today working on Nancy’s iMac. Finally I got it so she could send emails and print. I really don’t know what I did but it worked. I watched some of the UM/PSU game. I needed to mail a bill so I headed out and walked to mail box. The concrete walks were still passable so I walked around the block twice. Checked my app and saw that I had walked a total of 6.2 miles today. I thought this was pretty good for a snowy day. I took a short nap to warm up. Finished the afternoon watching the MSU/OSU game. Great to see MSU win. Nancy fixed home made chili for dinner. It was great. The snow has stopped but the temps will drop to 25 tonight.

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