Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sunday November 15, 2015

Weekend Update: Saturday November 14, 2015: I slept in until almost 0800 and after some morning chores I got on the bike and headed to Panera. I had their oatmeal, toast, banana and coffee. The terror attack in Paris dominated the news. After breakfast I got back on the bike and took my normal route. It was a beautiful day for a ride. With the leaves gone I can see a lot of homes that are back from the trail. I did make a diversion to see how the new apartment complex near the condo is progressing. They have two more buildings to complete. It is a huge complex. Our condo association fought the project. I took Ms P on her walk before lunch. I assembled all the family history data and walked over the Meijer's to mail it to CA. Showered and then took a quick nap. At 1730 we headed to Shariz Restaurant for dinner. We met the Namey's and Dancy's at Shariz. The Dancy's are friends of the Namey's. I had a lamb shank and it was delicious. After dinner we headed to the Namey's for dessert. The men watched the last 10 minutes of the UM/IU overtime game. Mary Namey fixed an apple cobbler and it was great. We left at 2030. A perfect fall day. Sunday November 15, 2015: Just a note that today is the first day of deer season. Deer season is big in northern MI. My dad belonged to a hunting club. The Doctor's Club was its name. They had a big lodge and mess hall. Every season they hired cooks to provide three meals a day. Dad would spend about a week getting ready for camp. It included buying a case of hard liquor. Dad would spend the first week at camp. Scott Engineering along with most business organizations would close for the first week. The wife's were called hunter's widows. My mother and her friends would schedule bridge games all week. Sunday, 2015: Up with the alarm at 0645 and get ready for our swim. The sun was just coming up and it looks like another great day. We both swam 1,000 m. Gas at Meijer's today was $2.17. We didn't buy much today. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle. At 1200 I head to the bedroom for my Sunday nap. After the nap I took Ms P on her nature walk. We did not see any wildlife. Yesterday we saw a lot of geese and last night a very big raccoon. At home I wrote a check to pay our auto insurance. I walked over to the mailbox. Debbie facetimed Nancy this afternoon to help her getting photos to Costco. She said they had rain in San Jose which is good. Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. We are now watching a NFL game before 60 minutes. The days are getting shorter: 10h24' in Long Beach, 9h43' in GR and 8h31' in Edinburgh.

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