Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday November 11, 2015

Veteran’s Day 2015 and every year I ask old veterans if they can remember their serial number. Surprising about 90% can remember. I have been a Veteran for 54 years. My serial number is 652654. During my time Navy serial numbers were sequential. John Paul Jone’s number was 1. As we all know JP Jones was the Navy’s first officer. Today was Breakfast Club Wednesday. I left home at 0630 and headed downtown. Today’s speaker was the recently retired Kent County Deputy Sheriff, John Hess. John was also a neighbor of ours on Mackinaw. He gave a great talk on problems facing law enforcement. After breakfast I stopped at Starbucks in Gaslight Village for a chance to read the WSJ. I also had to kill some time before the fireplace store next door opened. I was surprised that the WSJ did not have articles on Veteran’s Day. At 1000 I walked next door and asked for a price to install a gas insert in our downstairs fireplace. The cost was between $3,000 and $4,000. I decided that instead of a gas heater I will install a separate electric line to run the existing electric heater. The separate line will eliminate the problem of over heating. The line will only cost $300. On the way home I stopped at Meijer’s to buy some Schuler’s soft cheese. I was spending some time checking family history when I got a call from EPS our security firm. They were scheduled to come this afternoon but wanted to come early. I said ok. They checked out the system and installed a new transformer. As soon as the EPS man left I took Ms P on her walk. Nancy was working at the Garden’s this afternoon. As with most afternoons I took a short nap and walk. This evening I met Ed Namey at Uccello’s for pizza. Nancy was at book club. It is now 2115 and we are watching Midsomer Murders on netflix.

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