Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday November 24, 2015

The weather was cool but dry this morning. It was thirty when I left for the Y. I took my 6 mile route. One wood bridge is still snow covered and I had trouble pedaling through the snow. My back wheel was spinning. I had to stop and walk the bike through the snow. I will be glad when I get steel studded tires next week. The big topic of conversation at the Y is the new facility due to open on Dec 7. The new facility will be much larger. After the workout and shower I pedaled to Panera. The total distance traveled was 10 miles. The WSJ lately has written several articles on declining birth rates in China, Germany and Japan. It is a serious problem. The USA also has this problem. Not enough young folks to support Medicare and Social Security. Several decades ago the problem was reversed. Folks were worried about the population bomb. The conventional wisdom was that the world could not support all the new folks. Zero Population Growth or ZPG was the buzz word. Couples should only have two children. Of course all the smart folks were wrong, big time. However, Bob and Nancy did not support ZPG we had our third child, Steve. It was a great move. My motto was 1,2,3 the Hell with ZPG. Take that you liberal, bedwetting, weenies. Before lunch I took Ms P on her walk. I spent some time in the office catching up on back issues of SI. With winter coming I need a walk route that is clear and away from vehicles. Cascade Township does a good job plowing sidewalks so I selected a route and turned on my pedometer. Two times around the route is 3.5 miles. I have found my winter route. Nancy fixed a pork and apple dish with rice and lima beans. it was great. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving in 1961, Ensign Scott took a bus from Treasure Island NB to Travis AFB. I caught a four engine prop plane for the flight to Pearl Harbor. It was the first time I have ever flown at night. We flew for a long time along the coast of CA. I looked out the window at all the lights. I was fascinated by the miles and miles of lights. It was quite a scene. We landed in HI early in the morning and I checked into the BOQ at the Pearl Harbor Navy Base.

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