Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday November 2, 2015

Monday morning and today I start a new routine. No calisthenics at home today, I ate breakfast got on the bike and started on my normal route. I stopped at the SE YMCA and did the morning calisthenics. The SE Y is getting a little long in the tooth. It will be replaced by a new state of the art Y on Dec 7. I found the Y clean and had everything I need. MVP does not have locker rental but the Y does. I like having a locker to keep lotion, shoes and swim gear. With a locker my backpack is lighter. The SE Y is about mile 9 on my 14 mile ride. On my way home I stopped at Panera for coffee. I have been skipping all articles on the presidential race. I did read several articles on the election in Turkey. The results will give President Erdogan’s more power. The Turks are our ally and a member of NATO. They want to get ride of Assad but also are fighting the Kurds. We are supporting the Kurds. It is so confusing that we should just get out. Lately there have been stories on the gold standard. I really don’t understand the pros and cons of the gold standard. Before lunch I took Ms P on her walk. After lunch I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. First stop was my skin doctor’s office. I made an appointment. At Rylee’s Hardware I bought a 20# bag of bird seed. Next stop was the Vet’s. I wanted to buy some heart worm pills but could not because next week Ms P must have her annual checkup. Finally I stopped at the Animal Shelter to renew Ms P’s license. Grandson Lucas has a school project on his family tree. I spent some time assembling family data. The weather man said we had the second warmest Nov 2 on record. The record was Nov 2, 1938. I checked GGF Sanborn’s diary for this day and he only stated that it was a summer’s day. It is now 1950 and at 2000 we will watch Big Bang and then a netflix show. I got my 30 in today, did you?

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