Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday March 4, 2015

Today is my Mother’s birthday. A few facts about Mom: Margaret Louise Hughes was born in Alpena, Michigan on March 4, 1907. Mom had three brothers, William, Roland, Fred and a sister, Helen. Her parents were Margaret Louise Hughes (McTavish) and Roland Hughes. Mom graduated from Alpena High School in 1924 and from the University of Michigan in 1928 where she majored in English and French. Her first teaching job was in the small St Joseph County Village of Constantine. She taught French and English. When the depression hit the US, Constantine could no longer pay her so she moved back to Alpena. She lived at home and taught in the Alpena School system. In 1936 she married my father, Robert Sanborn Scott in 1936. I have many fond memories of Mother. One time when I was working at Dad’s firm, Scott Engineering, I found out that a classmate of mine who was also working at the firm was making $0.75 and hour. I was making $0.50. In passing I told my Mother. She stormed out of the house and walked to the office and confronted my Dad. I was given an immediate raise to $0.75. Way to go Mom! I had breakfast club this morning. We had a small turnout, 28. Our Speaker was a fellow member of the BC. He talked about overcoming his drug addiction. It was very interesting. He has been clean for 27 years. After BC I stopped by my favorite wine and cheese store, Martha’s Vineyard. I bought a bottle of wine to take to the Namey’s on Saturday. I stopped at the Hall Street Bakery for coffee and to read the WSJ. Next I stopped at the GMC dealer to look over the new mid-size pickup. They did not have one in the showroom. The salesman was not interested in walking to the back lot to show me one. With this kind of service can GM make it. I stopped at Home Depot to price a propane heater for our deck. They were not expensive. I will have to talk Nancy into our need for one. Final stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods just to look over their spring stock. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Before lunch I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. I wanted to get her outside before the temperature starts dropping. Had a quick lunch and then took a nap. After the nap I took a 3 mile walk. The wind was brisk, 17 mph, creating a wind chill of 3. The temperature tonight and tomorrow night will be in single digits and then it will start warming up. I predicted this morning at BC that the snow will be gone by St Patrick’ Day. Everyone thought I was crazy. Time will tell.

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