Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

First Monday in March: I was up at 0615 and did the at-home calisthenics and rowed 3,000 M. After a shower I bundled up and walked to Starbucks about 1.7 miles from home. I am sure the wind chill was in single digits. I don’t think Speaker Boehner was correct in bypassing the President when he invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak. However, the President should have given the Congress a heads up before doing his executive order on immigration. Play nice guys! We give weapons to what we think are the good guys in Syria and they disband and join the bad guys. Confused! Putin’s big opponent is killed within spitting distance of the Kremlin. Putin says the killing was the work of the CIA. I don’t think the CIA is bright enough to pull it off. I took the long route home. My fitbit went off just before I got home. The birds have finally found the feeder outside our ground floor slider. I refilled the feeder and also moved the salt block I placed for the deer closer to the slider. I now have a good view of the wildlife. The only item that has not been put back since the painting is the large mirror in the front foyer. It took several attempts but the mirror is in place and our main floor looks great. It will look even better when our new sofa arrives in about six weeks. After lunch I grabbed five ENR magazines and reclined on the old sofa and got caught up. No nap today. I took a walk in our snow covered back yard. The only tracks in the big backyard are animal tracks. I broke a trail through the snow. I walked up to the top of a hill and I saw two areas that had been cleared by a tracked dozer. The snow had been pushed aside and a large bare spot was visible. I followed the tracks to Parview Rd and stopped at several condos to ask what was happening. Nobody was home at three condos (snowbirds?). Finally an elderly lady answered at the fourth condo. She stood behind the locked door and when I asked her what was happening in her backyard she said she did not notice. I told her I just moved into the area and lived on Tahoe. She informed me that she has lived in the area 25 years and only knows her next door neighbor. I will call the Property Manager tomorrow and find out what is going on. I hope they are not grading an area for a new home. We will have a light dinner tonight and then because nothing is on the networks we will fire up netflix.

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