Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday March 17, 2015

Happy St Patricks Day: Today would also be the the 159th birthday of my Great grandfather Sanborn. I can remember St Patrick’s Day 1956. It was a Saturday and a group of guys from AHS met at the home of Jerry Kendzorski. Jerry was the a great jock and also class president. We played some cards and hung out. Jerry’s mother provided us with green beer. This was the first time a parent had ever provided beer. She also fixed baloney sandwiches. The beer, baloney and bread were all green. Oh the things one remembers. The temperature all night was in the mid 30s. Nancy left early for a swim and I got on my bike and headed to Panera. I read the first section of the WSJ. At 0930 I got back on the bike and headed to MVP. This is the first time I have ridden to MVP since December. It was bright and sunny but very windy. The pool was empty today. The first time that I can remember. The pool was cold. I swam 30 minutes. Stopped at Starbucks on the way home to finish reading the WSJ. When I got home I got in the C2 and headed to Costco. I bought eggs, cheese, wine and cheerios. After a quick lunch I was still cold so I turned on the electric blanket and took a quick nap. Ms P and I took a quick walk. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a World Affairs Council session. The topic tonight is “Brazil: Always on the Edge of Greatness…will it get there. The speaker it the ex ambassador to Brazil. This is the first time Nancy and I have attended a WAC meeting. The program starts at 1800 and ends at 1915. In case we get home to late I am recording tonight’s NCIS show. We got to the lecture and guess what, the lecture was last night. Is this a senior moment? When we got home I had a bowl of cereal. We watched the new and NCIS. On netflix we watched Life. This is my new favorite show. It is now 2147 and I have to get up early for Breakfast Club. I hope I have the right date.

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