Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday March 15, 2015

Weekend Update: Saturday March 14, 2015: Up at 0650 and walked over to Sundance for their oatmeal breakfast. An article in the WSJ said that today 31415 is “Super Pi” day. It will be another 100 years before we have another Pi day. So celebrate all you math buffs. After breakfast I took Ms P on her walk and then got in the C2 and ran errands. I stopped at the UPS store to see if they have any styrofoam beads for sell. They did. Nancy wants the beads to put in the bottom of a large flower pot to reduce the weight. Next I stopped at Fruitbasket Flowerland and bought a flower box holder that can fit over the top rail on our deck. At Lowes I was looking for a swing for our deck. Their selection was small. Finally I stopped at Gander Mountain and bought some boot shoe laces. After lunch I took a short nap and finally I ended my physical activity by taking a walk around the block. Nancy purchased a coupon for the Grattan Irish Pub. At 1700 we drove to Grattan and had dinner at the Pub. The pub was having an early St. Patrick’s Day celebration. The place was jammed. I had green beer and white fish. Nancy had their famous Grattan Bar Burger. At home we watch three shows on netflix, Murdock Mysteries, Life and Glade. We both read several chapters in our books before turning the lights out. In March 1956 I won a jeep in a raffle. I had number 13. One Spring morning the local radio station started running reports that a fighter jet out of Wurtsmith AFB in Oscoda had crashed in NW Alcona County. I knew the area because it was near the Doctor’s Hunting Club. My Dad was a member of the Doctor’s Club. I met a friend, Al Sharp, at school and said I would like to look for the site of the crash. Al always looking for an excuse to get out of school said he would go with me. We got in my jeep, stopped at my Dad’s office and I got some snow shoes and aerial photos of NW Alcona County. We drove on several two tracks before we found the site. The Air Force rescue team had just arrived. We snow shoed back to the crash site. The plane had created a large deep crater. The AF folks would not let us get too close to the wreck. It was a great adventure. Next day at school I had to meet with the Attendance Officer. I knew I would have get some form of punishment. However, when I told my story he told me it was a learning experience. Al and I got an excuse for the day. Sunday March 15, 2015: The Ides of March: Up at 0700 and we head to MVP for our swim. We both swam 20 laps, 1,000 meters. We stopped at Meijer’s for some supplies. It is nice to fill the car up for less that $30. Last year it was $50. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner. Read the funnies and then took my nap. After the nap I took Ms P on her walk. The warm weather had removed enough snow that we could walk on the grass. I dropped Ms P off and then walked around the walk. The temperature today got to 48 and will drop to 41 this evening. My St Patrick’s day prediction is looking good. We had a nice FaceTime talk with Debbie. She just got back from her Ireland and England tour last night. We also had a nice phone conversation with Alessandra and Veronica. It is now 1926 and we are watching 60 Minutes. The sun is still out.

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