Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thursday March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015: It is 1648 and I am sitting on our new sofa writing this blog. The sofa was delivered this afternoon and it fits the living room just great. Today is another beautiful spring day, blue sky and temps in the 40s. We both got up before seven. Nancy left early to swim at MVP and I did the usual at home routine. I had planned on biking to Ada Village for coffee but it was still dark at 0750 and the temperature was slightly below 32 creating some icy patches. As I have said earlier the snow and ice will be gone by St Patrick’s Day. I walked over to Panera for my coffee. An interesting article in the WSJ about some successful tests using ultrasound to treat Alzheimer’s. Of course the tests were on mice but nonetheless it sounded promising. When you get my age you worry about diminished brain capacity. Is the strong dollar good or bad for the US economy and does it really impact the average person? I sure don’t know but I think now is the good time to visit Europe with the euro and dollars almost at parity. After coffee I walked home and changed into my bike riding outfit. I wore my Garmin GPS. I found out my preferred bike route is 12 miles long. A lot of bikers, runners and walkers were on the path. I even noted several brave souls wearing shorts. I think 38 degrees is too cold for shorts. I just getting ready to shower when the folks from the furniture store arrived with the sofa. It is a big, heavy piece of furniture but they moved it like it was a bottle of beer. I then showered, had a quick lunch and ran some errands. My first stop was the Lighting Center. A bulb burned out on our new lamp over the dining room table. The store replaced the light for free. Next I stopped at Russo’s and bought two bottles of red wine. I was able to pay using Apple Pay. Tonight Nancy and I are trying a new restaurant. It is called the Red Olive. We will watch Big Bang and then a netflix show. You know it is Spring when sunset is at 1945.

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